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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: FireDrake on 2010 May 11, 17:25:19

Title: Creating Oppritunities
Post by: FireDrake on 2010 May 11, 17:25:19

I recently made my own world for the Sims 3, and was wondering if it is possible to create oppritunities for it. Kind of like the opp. you can find in China or France, where there is a form of storyline to them. That's pretty much it.


Title: Re: Creating Oppritunities
Post by: Georgette on 2010 May 11, 20:43:00
Create a what?

Title: Re: Creating Oppritunities
Post by: FireDrake on 2010 May 12, 00:42:50
Like, when you go on an adventure, it gives your sim something to do. Like, go explore tomb x and locate object z. I want to know if it's possible to create things like that. Also known as opportunities. 

Title: Re: Creating Oppritunities
Post by: Turd Ferguson on 2010 May 12, 01:18:24
He wants to create Opportunities, the things you get on occaision like the "stay after hours at work for a bonus" or "bring in a plate of cookies."

Title: Re: Creating Oppritunities
Post by: FireDrake on 2010 May 12, 01:41:35
Yes! Thank you. I was pretty sure I was explaining it well enough, but that seems to be what I was getting at. Is this possible?

Title: Re: Creating Oppritunities
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 May 12, 08:43:51
Yes, but it won't be easy. And I have no idea how.

Title: Re: Creating Oppritunities
Post by: FireDrake on 2010 May 12, 12:07:53
Oof, from the big man himself! Alright, thanks Pes. And others who helped too lol.

Title: Re: Creating Oppritunities
Post by: The_Goddess on 2010 May 12, 14:30:18
The game makes opportunities no matter what neighborhood you play in.  All the same work opportunities (like, ‘Read this book to advance…') will be in your CAW world; all of your general neighborhood opportunities (like, ‘fix town halls pipes…') will be in your world.  However, what I think Pescado is saying he has no idea about, is creating your own custom opportunities.  Setting up your own scenarios and adventures is not advisable to a beginner.

Title: Re: Creating Oppritunities
Post by: FireDrake on 2010 May 12, 15:31:50
The game makes opportunities no matter what neighborhood you play in.  All the same work opportunities (like, ‘Read this book to advance…') will be in your CAW world; all of your general neighborhood opportunities (like, ‘fix town halls pipes…') will be in your world.  However, what I think Pescado is saying he has no idea about, is creating your own custom opportunities.  Setting up your own scenarios and adventures is not advisable to a beginner.
Ahh, okay. That's what I was hoping to be able to do. I'd try poking around, but I'm too lazy and I'd probably break something haha...
Ah well, maybe another time then.

Thanks Goddess!