More Awesome Than You!

TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Lucibelle on 2010 May 08, 19:05:44

Title: No more adventures?
Post by: Lucibelle on 2010 May 08, 19:05:44
I've been searching for a solution for days, so forgive me if I've somehow missed it here.

I'm fully patched running WA on a Mac. (no HELS, no pirated) My adventures have stopped except for all the tedious ones. There's more to do, but upon checking the adventure board in any world, I get a loop of pointless adventures, followed by a board check with no message of any kind before it starts the loop over again. I've done all the tedious adventures at least once. I've been to each world more than once. I've tried doing things like fishing to kill time while waiting for a phone call, but nothing.

I've seen on EA's forums where others have had this problem, but no definitive solution seems to exist. I'm only running the latest version of Awesomemod.

Title: Re: No more adventures?
Post by: Claeric on 2010 May 08, 19:53:54
Uh...did you finish all the adventures?

Title: Re: No more adventures?
Post by: Lucibelle on 2010 May 08, 19:59:14
No. I still have several to go, and have been trying to solve this problem for so long, I can't even tell you the last one I did. I've been trying to find a walkthrough that lists then in order so I can at least figure out where I left off.

Title: Re: No more adventures?
Post by: LVRugger on 2010 May 08, 22:19:58
Twallan has several mods that allow you to select any available opportunities. I'd recommend his super computer for the functionality it gives the game. I've given up on the adventure board and just select the opportunity/adventure I want the Sim to do next. (

Title: Re: No more adventures?
Post by: witch on 2010 May 08, 23:05:01
My game is on the setting below Epic and many of the vacation sims have died. The last few trips abroad, all my sims have been offered is the 'collecting and delivering' type missions. The game seems obsessed by lettuces currently. I may have to re-install this Twallanian computer.

Title: Re: No more adventures?
Post by: Lucibelle on 2010 May 09, 00:42:24
Thank you, LVRugger! I'll do that. I've just spent way too much time on that Sim to have to start over.

Ok, so I installed the mod and tested it on a couple of opportunities, but when I selected "The Black Market" (in France) nothing happened. No window appeared, no music, blah blah. I tried resetting opportunities, but that didn't work, either. Any thoughts from anyone?

Title: Re: No more adventures?
Post by: Nameless Horror on 2010 May 09, 04:16:08
You really shouldn't double post, they absolutely hate that around here. Just use the edit button if you have more to add. While you're at it, you should also go read the FAQ.

Title: Re: No more adventures?
Post by: Lucibelle on 2010 May 09, 20:58:45
You should really learn how to punctuate sentences, because they absolutely hate that around here.

I have read the FAQs, so forgive that I had considered my post to be a response to the attempt to solve the problem, not an impatient attempt to bump the thread. Perhaps this was presumptuous on my part. My apologies. I used the modify button on my faux pas. I'd hate to upset anyone else with three more posts than me who's dad fixes their game for them.  ::)

So, did you have any tips on how to solve this issue? Maybe your dad has some advice? No? Then please run along. The big kids are talking.

Title: Re: No more adventures?
Post by: Grimma on 2010 May 09, 21:14:15
You should really learn how to punctuate sentences, because they absolutely hate that around here.

I have read the FAQs, so forgive that I had considered my post to be a response to the attempt to solve the problem, not an impatient attempt to bump the thread. Perhaps this was presumptuous on my part. My apologies. I used the modify button on my faux pas. I'd hate to upset anyone else with three more posts than me who's dad fixes their game for them.  ::)

So, did you have any tips on how to solve this issue? Maybe your dad has some advice? No? Then please run along. The big kids are talking.

Nono, that is WHOSE. Lern to spell u sum.

Also, did you even try to access the AM commands in-game? Or is that too techie and advanced for you? I could swear there was something there which reset adventures... Maybe you could try that - totally off the wall, I know.

To reset the dungeons itself MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT ON VACATION, then save, go to that saved game (in My Documents). In there, you'll find .nhd and .package files with country names. Delete the ones you want to reset. Backup and whatnot, I take no responsibility for BFBVFSs. Worked fine for me when I last played 2 months ago, the game re-generated them as new and unexplored.

Title: Re: No more adventures?
Post by: Lucibelle on 2010 May 09, 22:36:45
If you're going to catch me in a grammatical error, at least you're here to offer some advice on my situation. I tried reset adventures days ago. No go, I'm afraid, though I was in France at the time. Maybe this needs to be done while not on vacation as well. I have looked at every AM command and have tried any that I thought might even be a possibility. I have not tried resetting the countries by deletion, and I thank you for the tip. While it may come to that, I'm really trying to find an option that doesn't reset back to the beginning. It would keep my sim as is, though. That's a plus, at least.

I can almost always find someone who has had, and solved, techie problems before me. Search is my man-servant who is always at my beck and call. I've no desire to waste anyone's time here, but I know that this is the best place for answers. I have to be really stumped to ask you guys, seeing as everyone here is a jerk. ;D I think I've just been too close to the project for too long at this point. If the solution turns out to be a fairly simple one, it wouldn't be for lack of trying.

Title: Re: No more adventures?
Post by: Nameless Horror on 2010 May 10, 00:50:59
I wasn't offended at all. It was meant to be more of a friendly heads-up sort of thing. For the record, I donn't mind having my grammar ripped apart in a way that I could see what I did wrong. At least that way I could avoid it in the future. Well, good luck with you game.

Title: Re: No more adventures?
Post by: Lucibelle on 2010 May 10, 02:01:27
Yes. It takes a thick skin to be here, doesn't it?  ;D Thanks! I hope I can fix it, but so far nothing has worked. It sucks to lose all that time!