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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Velax on 2010 March 30, 11:47:25

Title: Deleting foundations
Post by: Velax on 2010 March 30, 11:47:25
Does anyone know if there's any way, at all, to delete the foundation of a house and have the rest of the house automatically shift down to ground level? I want to use the basement tool from World Adventures, but stairs from the basement will only go as high as the ground, not the foundation. The house is very large, has three stories above ground level and is built entirely on a foundation, so I'd really like to not have to build it from scratch (took me about four days to build it the first time).

I've tried building two sets of stairs to link the basement to the ground and the ground to the foundation, but the sims don't seem to want to use them. They just run to the other side of the lot for no apparent reason.

Anyone have any ideas?

Title: Re: Deleting foundations
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 March 30, 12:08:58
There is no way to easily delete a foundation and have the house magically collapse down on it. However, the presence of a foundation doesn't stop you from building a WA-style basement. While the stairs "only" go down to the ground level, it is possible to bore a hole into the foundation, build stairs down into the basement, and then build stairs connecting the upper floor to the stairs you just built. It is also possible to burrow out the foundation TS2-style, construct a "basement" that way, and then build more basements using the WA basement tool. Basically, the existence of a foundation level is not really an impediment to determined basement construction or retrofitting.

Title: Re: Deleting foundations
Post by: misscatfish on 2010 March 31, 14:49:19
You might also find this tutorial helpful:,18290.0.html

Title: Re: Deleting foundations
Post by: Velax on 2010 April 01, 17:24:35
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll give them a try and see how I go. Much appreciated.