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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Claeric on 2010 March 21, 03:57:53

Title: A few files suddenly not working- out of absolutely nowhere?
Post by: Claeric on 2010 March 21, 03:57:53
What I did:

I copied my mods folder, and used the compressorizer on it. After an eternity, it completed, and I loaded the game to test.

It was taking an eternity. I figured it potentially could be considering all the files "new", or some wacky thing like that, and let it go. Once it was far too ridiculous, I ended the process, and checked my mods. I removed the compressed ones and put the old ones back.

Now when I loaded the loaded slow, but faster than before. What?

Trial and Error reveals that it's these mini rabbit hole rugs causing the problem. Their removal makes loading as fast as it should be. Normally my Save file screen shows up as soon as the music starts going "do do do DO do do do DO do do do DO" really fast, so it's easy to measure whether or not it's taking too long.

Anyway...nothing changed with these files. Same ones in the same place.

I tested with ONLY them, and it didn't work. So it isn't a conflict. I redownloaded them, and it didn't work. So they weren't altered.

I changed absolutely nothing else about the game. So what is making these files suddenly destroy it? :\

Title: Re: A few files suddenly not working- out of absolutely nowhere?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 March 21, 04:05:24
Try clearing your caches?

Title: Re: A few files suddenly not working- out of absolutely nowhere?
Post by: Claeric on 2010 March 21, 04:10:05
Forgot to mention that. I did that, as well, no change.