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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Cyron on 2010 March 16, 12:50:41

Title: Books.xls structure please
Post by: Cyron on 2010 March 16, 12:50:41
Hi there,
I'd like to stock certain book shelves of a library with certain genres. When I choose "stock with genre" -> category, the game tells me that the category can't be found in Books.xls. So now I'd like to edit this.
- Where can I find that file,
- what's the structure like (if it don't exist yet and I have to build it from scratch),
- oh and a list of category names would also be handy.
- Do I have to use the original english book titles or does it work with localized titles as well?

I can't find any of that information neither here nor somwhere else on the internet.

Title: Re: Books.xls structure please
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 March 16, 19:55:34
I think you've broken it. There's no books.xls. There's an XML. Is that what you meant?

Title: Re: Books.xls structure please
Post by: Cyron on 2010 March 16, 22:54:20
I have already wondered why the game wants an xls but here is the message word by word: "There are no **** Unlocalized Genre **** books defined in Books.xls" . This comes up when I want to add books of genre "Tutorial". The message changes to "There are no Article books defined in Books.xls" when I want to add the genre "Article". Well It could very well be a typo by the developers and it's meant to be Books.xml (which would make more sense IMHO) but nonetheless the questions remain because I can't find "Books.*" neither in "MyDocuments/Electronic Arts/..." nor in the program folder of Sims 3. Where is that XML you mentioned?

Title: Re: Books.xls structure please
Post by: Spineraker on 2010 March 17, 03:22:35
I can second this one, but I'm not quite sure it is an awesomemod thing. To get to it, you need to use Debug Mode and ctrl-shift click on a bookshelf. The Stock with Genre option is right there...but none of the options allow you to do anything with it. I have a feeling the feature isn't fully supported...

Title: Re: Books.xls structure please
Post by: Zazazu on 2010 March 17, 06:48:02
Not surprising. Remember all the buggy or invisible cheat objects available in debug mode in TS2?

What I've done with my library is to first set it as a residential lot. Have a sim move in and purchase all books. You'll probably want multiple copies depending on your library's size. Mine is small, so I went with three copies of each skill book and just two of the many fluff books. Then manually stock the cases. Move the sim out. Change the lot to Community - Library.

Sim-written novels show up in every bookcase after they are written.

Title: Re: Books.xls structure please
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 March 17, 07:03:12
You're not supposed to add "Article" or "Tutorial" books. Silly.