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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: imperialmog on 2010 March 01, 15:31:24

Title: Custom magic spells
Post by: imperialmog on 2010 March 01, 15:31:24
I saw a posting thread that had some people coming up with new spells for the game, has anything been done on that front? And has anyone done anything about being unable for mages to take on burglars?

Title: Re: Custom magic spells
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 March 01, 20:37:33
It was experimented with, but ultimately found to be more hassle than it was worth in terms of compatibility headaches.

Title: Re: Custom magic spells
Post by: AzemOcram on 2010 March 06, 01:49:07
As wonderful as it would be. The only custom magic is levitation and even that is buggy.