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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: waynefox on 2010 February 27, 19:56:59

Title: slowness on downtown lots
Post by: waynefox on 2010 February 27, 19:56:59
i have DD and all EP and SP

AMD dual core 3.0Ghz (with the amd patch)
Nvidia 9800GT 1GB card (updated drivers)
600w power supply

ok to the problem
the game runs great exept for downtown lots which are slowed down and a  jerky (it start out ok but the more sims that show up, around 8 for a tot. of 10 to 12 sims the worst it gets)
is there any way to fix this other than buying a new video card
(i have the Visitor Controller with ban critters and whitches)

Title: Re: slowness on downtown lots
Post by: FourCats on 2010 March 03, 16:19:33
I don't think buying another video card would help. Maybe reduce how many sims are allowed on a lot using the user.startup.cheat?