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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: jerryking on 2010 February 26, 21:45:41

Title: Penis Mods Cause game crash
Post by: jerryking on 2010 February 26, 21:45:41
Would some one please interpret this exception log. I have the Crammy Boy Cock mod and the igottapee Female Cock mod. They do show a conflict but I have been using them for a long time. Ever since I got FreeTime when an adult male tries to give an adult female a gift, the game crashes. But the female can give the male a gift with no crash. If I reverse the load order of these two mods,  then when the female gives a gift, then the game crashes.
  I removed every other mod I had in my game and still get the same result.
I tried updating the Crammy Mod and even using an older version, but the same thing happens. Since the exception log doesn't show a reverence to either mod, I though that maybe it is something else that is causing the crashing.

 A friend of mine tested this with AL and did not have any game crash.

Title: Re: Penis Mods Cause game crash
Post by: rufio on 2010 February 26, 22:10:04
Since the two mods conflict, and reversing the loading order changes the crash, it's pretty obvious that one or both of them are either incompatible with your game or with each other.  What else do you want?  Did you really think the crash log was going to say "this crash was caused by file X"?  Go complain to the people who made the mods, or find a different mod to use, or do without.

Title: Re: Penis Mods Cause game crash
Post by: jerryking on 2010 February 26, 22:38:55
It wasn't a complaint, it was a request. And since my friends game did not crash with the mods then I thought maybe someone would be able to read the exception log. And the original authors are not around to ask. If you can't help then just say so.

Title: Re: Penis Mods Cause game crash
Post by: Budgie on 2010 March 01, 01:02:25
If others have used the two together, have you thought it might be other mods conflicting? Otherwise, you're out of luck. That's the risk you take with using unsupported, outdated mods.

Title: Re: Penis Mods Cause game crash
Post by: jerryking on 2010 March 02, 18:09:55
If others have used the two together, have you thought it might be other mods conflicting? Otherwise, you're out of luck. That's the risk you take with using unsupported, outdated mods.

In my post I mentioned that I have removed all mods but these two. I'll just keep them in game and not have the males give gifts. There are no other mods of this type available. But thanks for your time.

Title: Re: Penis Mods Cause game crash
Post by: Jelenedra on 2010 March 02, 18:16:03
Did you try what rufio suggested? And alter the loading order?

If the hacks are in the same folder, try adding a z to the beginning of one of the hack's filenames. If no change, then remove the z and try it on the other hack. If neither of those work, you might need to find an alternate mod for one of them.