More Awesome Than You!

Awesomeware => AwesomeMod! => Topic started by: Sgloomi on 2010 February 23, 16:16:05

Title: Is FrameworkInstaller Compatible with Awesomemod?
Post by: Sgloomi on 2010 February 23, 16:16:05
After being told, in no uncertain terms, that my method of installing CC and Mods with the MTS FrameworkInstaller was wrong, I followed the instructions for manually installing the Framework downloaded from MATY.

After a few days play, I see no apparent difference - everything worked more or less okay before, everything works more or less okay now - so my question is: would it be a total no-no to revert to the one-click convenience of FrameworkInstaller? Does the .dll or whatever else installed by the now-defunct Helper Monkey, or in the MATY Framework, contain things that specifically help the game mesh with Aswsomemod?

I realise I'm risking a beatdown for asking something Bleeding Obvious That Everybody Knows, but in the end I'd rather ask than just think I know everything and assume.

Title: Re: Is FrameworkInstaller Compatible with Awesomemod?
Post by: Silent Dreamer on 2010 February 23, 17:34:29
Why is it so hard to drag files into a folder yourself? Put a freaking shortcut on your desktop to your mods folder if you are so lazy, ffs.

Title: Re: Is FrameworkInstaller Compatible with Awesomemod?
Post by: Sgloomi on 2010 February 23, 17:59:26
Why is it so hard to drag files into a folder yourself?

Um. That's exactly what I did. Because that's what you do when you use FrameworkInstaller.

So, is FrameworkInstaller compatible with Awesomemod or not?

Title: Re: Is FrameworkInstaller Compatible with Awesomemod?
Post by: Thirdo on 2010 February 23, 20:10:24
...Seriously? What, exactly do you think the famework installer dose? What function do you think it has that could possibly effect the Awesome Mod? Or any mod for that matter.

Title: Re: Is FrameworkInstaller Compatible with Awesomemod?
Post by: Sgloomi on 2010 February 23, 20:33:26
...Seriously? What, exactly do you think the famework installer dose? What function do you think it has that could possibly effect the Awesome Mod? Or any mod for that matter.

Well, I thought that what the Frameworker Installer did was let you:

1) Install a Framework with one click.
2) Whack all your cc/mod packages in the 'Packages' folder it generates for the current iteration of your game.
3) Bish-bash-bosh.

When I mentioned doing that with no real problems, however, I was told by the single most important person on this Forum that this was wrong. So I can only assume, not being technically-minded in any way, that there's some special sauce in the files manually downloaded from MATY and manually installed that don't occur with FrameworkInstall.

I was simply yes/no asking if that was the case, rather than just arrogantly assuming I knew better and thinking my utterly non-technical opinion must be right.

[Personal comment removed on account of me realising my spectacular hypocrisy.]

Title: Re: Is FrameworkInstaller Compatible with Awesomemod?
Post by: The_Goddess on 2010 February 23, 20:44:52
You see there?

arrogantly assuming I knew better and thinking my utterly non-technocal opinion must be right.

 Yes, that there is the problem.  Arrogance is an absolute must if you want to fit in here at MATY.  What you need is moar arrogance.

Title: Re: Is FrameworkInstaller Compatible with Awesomemod?
Post by: wizard_merlin on 2010 February 24, 05:41:10
Is there a meaningful, useful fucking question here?

Title: Re: Is FrameworkInstaller Compatible with Awesomemod?
Post by: Sgloomi on 2010 February 24, 09:04:42
Is there a meaningful, useful fucking question here?

Yes there is. I just don't know how more simply and non-confrontationally I can ask it to get a simple yes/no answer.

Title: Re: Is FrameworkInstaller Compatible with Awesomemod?
Post by: Claeric on 2010 February 24, 09:16:41
Dude, your question is "Does a thing that puts things in places for me because I'm too retarded to do it myself work any differently than putting things in places myself?"

thats stupid as hell

of course it's fucking compatible, it's just a retard tool for morons that puts things in place automatically. You think it runs them through some magic file-altering system or something for no damn reason?

Title: Re: Is FrameworkInstaller Compatible with Awesomemod?
Post by: Mirelly on 2010 February 24, 09:38:23
So I can only assume, not being technically-minded in any way, that there's some special sauce in the files manually downloaded from MATY and manually installed that don't occur with FrameworkInstall.

Oh, yeah. Special sauce is, well, special.

Title: Re: Is FrameworkInstaller Compatible with Awesomemod?
Post by: Sgloomi on 2010 February 24, 11:17:14
of course it's fucking compatible

Thank you. I suspected as much, but it's nice to have confirmation from someone who Knows. Cheers from the gallery as I now shut up.