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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: NaughtyLadyoftheNight on 2010 February 22, 04:41:22

Title: Sims getting run over/stuck in taxi
Post by: NaughtyLadyoftheNight on 2010 February 22, 04:41:22
I have just downloaded an arred version of TS3 and I've done everything correctly thus far, but now every time I try and play my Sims get run over by a taxi, I've heard that you can block the Sims from checking to see if your key is correct by blocking it through your firewall but I have had no success. I have Kaspersky and windows seven. Any one else who has the arred (pirate) version of the Sims get past the run amok taxi glitch?

Title: Re: Sims getting run over/stuck in taxi
Post by: That Eighties Guy on 2010 February 22, 20:00:32
Are you complaining about a graphical glitch or gameplay breaking one?

Besides, you need to state more information if you want any help. Also what torrent you have, what version, what expansions, which mods and pray that you won't get eaten by someone else than me.

And what does taxis have to do with the Sims3Launcher trying to connect phone home?

Title: Re: Sims getting run over/stuck in taxi
Post by: SciBirg on 2010 February 22, 21:05:39
It is unlikely that this bug has anything to do with your game being arred. How about reading this (,18144.0.html) thread instead?

Title: Re: Sims getting run over/stuck in taxi
Post by: NaughtyLadyoftheNight on 2010 February 22, 22:15:18
I did read that and it didn't help, hence my posting this question. And the reason I said something about the arred version That eighties guy- is because I've googled this problem before posting on this site and tried to fix it on my own but to no avail. I looked on multiple sites and they all said it was because the game was pirated. I'm not a gaming expert (which why I am asking for help) and assumed that the people who said (on multiple sites) that it was because the game was arred knew what they were talking about, and yes I know what they say about assuming.  Anyway here's a video I found on youtube of the problem. It would seem several people besides me have this problem. I cannot get rid of the cabs because that causes the whole game to crash.

I do not have any CC in my game and it is patched to version:

Found similar questions by others on the web:

 greatmike077 at 2009-12-10 03:42 CET:
Is there more than one crack also? I can play but like i said sim does nothing but get in and out of taxi. I didn't download ea manager and i don't know if you can please explain in detail. How to crack step by step thanks for the downloads jasper100

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Sims 3 Characters won't walk? (Only use Taxis even for a foot away)?
My characters in the Sims 3 won't walk anywhere, and they can't get into their house. I just started the game and these taxi's keep popping up. How can I stop this and let them just walk inside or around??

Title: Re: Sims getting run over/stuck in taxi
Post by: Slymenstra on 2010 February 22, 22:45:30
Are you missing a patch?  I thought the base was 1.10.  Maybe you can DL it and manually install?

Try Awesome Mod too if you never find a fix for this.  It comes with a CD crack and he extensively looks into transportation bugs and fixes them.

Lots of people are playing with Arred copies and are managing to patch and use CC/Mods.  So look into it.

Is this happening in a fresh neighborhood, or is it an old one?

Title: Re: Sims getting run over/stuck in taxi
Post by: NaughtyLadyoftheNight on 2010 February 22, 22:52:40
I'll try than and let you know how it works out thanks a million. :p


I WAS missing a patch!!! Thank you so much, I had been manually patching and forgot about using the actual patches found online. As soon as I applied the missing patch the taxis stopped coming. You're the only person who actually gave me an answer that worked (and without being rude too!) You just made my day. XD

Title: Re: Sims getting run over/stuck in taxi
Post by: Slymenstra on 2010 February 23, 03:52:35
Glad it worked for you.  Just yesterday I noticed I wasn't fully patched either. ;)

Title: Re: Sims getting run over/stuck in taxi
Post by: witch on 2010 February 23, 03:58:22
You're the only person who actually gave me an answer that worked (and without being rude too!) You just made my day. XD

Well that's against company policy. We'll have to make sure you get a double-helping of rude next time, we prefer to frighten off idiots like yourself.