More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: BaronElectricPhase on 2010 February 20, 16:33:00

Title: Friendship Nuking
Post by: BaronElectricPhase on 2010 February 20, 16:33:00
I would like to learn how to do the following:

Reset/Removing ALL friendships that the couple living on the lot have with anyone not living on the lot.
This includes removing all STR/LTR scores, status flags and memories on both sides of the friendship(s) and anything else that I may not be aware of.

I'm guessing that also deleting the record of the person(s) within the target sim's resource(?) (and vice versa) file would be ideal as well but I have no idea if this is necessary or even desirable.

All the above while maintaining all friendship stuff between all mutual members of the lot.

The Batman Box (Lot Debugger - Nuclear War Edition (?)) appears to be able to do this, but only with visiting sims... and as their are over 50 friendships to purge, this would be very tedious. Even worse if I were to use SimPE. Is there a way to do this EnMasse?

I understand that there is a method to do the above by moving them from the neighborhood(?) but that would also de-furnish the house, correct? (which I prefer to avoid)

A possible unwanted side-effect... would membership to the hobby clubs be effected by a mass friendship purge? Any other things I should be aware of?

Thanx for your time and input  8)
Baron Electric Phase

Title: Re: Friendship Nuking
Post by: rufio on 2010 February 20, 21:28:11
Well, with the Tabula Rasa mod I made recently, Tabula Rasa will in theory do that, though I haven't done extensive testing and it also has the side effect of wiping all memories, and relationships with sims on the lot.  If that's not good enough, you'll have to do it all manually by summoning people.

I understand that there is a method to do the above by moving them from the neighborhood(?) but that would also de-furnish the house, correct? (which I prefer to avoid)

No, moving sims between neighborhoods retains all kinds of broken references to non-existent sims and is a great way to blow up your game.

Title: Re: Friendship Nuking
Post by: Nalia on 2010 February 22, 08:12:25
The Batman Box (Lot Debugger - Nuclear War Edition (?)) appears to be able to do this, but only with visiting sims...
There is a whole tutorial how to use the Lot Debugger (same thread) to completely unfriend other Sims, but it also involves use of SimPE.
For keeping a house furnished you can use Inge's Stay-things shrub at Simlogical:  Then move your Sims out and package the lot, but use Clean Installer when you decide to install it in a new hood, checking carefully its content. 
And Rufio is right: don't move them across 'hoods. The safest way I have found so far to move my favourite Sims is to export them through SimPE, open Body Shop, package them and recreate their families in the new 'hood. No memories though.

Title: Re: Friendship Nuking
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2010 February 22, 14:55:25
Doesn't the Stay Things shrub leave some kind of nasty residue on the lot?  I've used it before without ill effects, but I remember the FOJ saying Bad Things could happen.

Title: Re: Friendship Nuking
Post by: rufio on 2010 February 22, 17:45:35
I could be remembering wrong, but I believe FOJ's main objection to the Stay Things Shrub has to do with its intended function and not with any unintended side-effects.

ETA:  See here (,14849.msg425513.html#msg425513) and here (,13694.msg390960.html#msg390960).  It appears he's mostly concerned about incorrect lot value, and this can be fixed with the magic wand anyway.

Title: Re: Friendship Nuking
Post by: Nalia on 2010 February 24, 00:42:01
Ah, I had no idea about it. I have used Inge's shrub for the simple purpose of avoiding refurnishing homes my Sims use for short periods (usually after Uni), but I didn't know about the incorrect lot value. I'm off to download magic wand. Thanks, Rufio. 

Question: Isn't the value of the lot corrected if, after one Sims has left and before another moves in, you enter the lot to make some kind of changes, save and exit?

Title: Re: Friendship Nuking
Post by: rufio on 2010 February 24, 00:55:22
Probably not, but you can try it.