More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: hedgekat on 2010 February 18, 20:23:42

Title: Local schoolbus
Post by: hedgekat on 2010 February 18, 20:23:42
I love Jm's local walkby hack. having the next door neighbors walking by is much more sensible than people from the other side of town. Or further.

I have looked in vain for a hack thaat does the same thing for the schoolbus. My sim kids are constantly wanting to bring home kids from other subhoods. In my part of the world communities have multiple elementary and even high schoools. Kids go to the one in thier neighborhood. I'd really like to have that same setup for my sims. I;ve also noticed that it is always the same two or three kids that they want to bring home with them. If three children are in the family they are likely to all want to bring the same kid home with them. (I use TwoJeffs schoolbus hack to deny permission to bring out of subhood kids home buthey still all ask for th esame kid.)

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Title: Re: Local schoolbus
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 February 19, 03:37:27
Pretty sure Awesomeware already covers this and will therefore conflict with the Jeffistani version. Something like this is definitely in the Director's Cut, don't remember which one.

Title: Re: Local schoolbus
Post by: rufio on 2010 February 19, 04:21:08
According to TJ:

AL Version Only Compatibility Note: Pescado's alfixes conflicts with school bus/bring friend and my mod must load after alfixes to work.

If there's Awesomeware that actually has the same effect, though, I haven't seen it.

He also says:

I also completely rewrote the code for choosing the sim to bring home.

So your original problem with the game always picking the same sim to bring home is a TwoJeffs issue.  Go bother him about it.