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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Lion on 2010 January 29, 23:01:37

Title: CAW lot placing weirdness
Post by: Lion on 2010 January 29, 23:01:37
I'm trying to make a world specifically for lot building (see this thread (  I got a weird problem with placing lots. I can't draw more lots after only a few lots (8, 11, 13, something like that) . Roads can't be drawn in that area as well (you can see they stop going towards the lots on the pic).  Expanding the gap between lots to 3 does not solve the problem.




I have been putting dozens of lots together with one square in between. Proof:



Title: Re: CAW lot placing weirdness
Post by: Zazazu on 2010 January 29, 23:26:16
In the example pic (the problem one) you only have a one-tile gap, right? I ran into the same problem. That's actually why a few areas in Asherton feature sidewalks running through the residential areas, because the damn CAW just wouldn't let met place more than a few one-tile-spaced lots together and I had to space out some more.

Changing dimensions can sometimes help. For example:

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Here CAW was being cooperative. I was able to have four lots the same dimensions with a one-space buffer.

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Here, I had planned to have a five-lot block with the two lots on each end and just one spanning north-to-south in the center. CAW decided it wouldn't allow that middle lot with a one-space buffer. It would allow something with the same depth but a smaller width (two-space buffer to the other lots). That didn't look right. I was able to get CAW to accept two smaller lots in the center space with a one-space buffer between everything where it wouldn't accept just one lot. If I recall correctly, this was the only size combination I could get to work in the space. Why wouldn't CAW allow it? Who the hell knows.

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Here, I had major, major issues with CAW allowing one-space buffers at all. I finally could get it to work by staggering depths and fitting in a two-space buffer every few lots. Again, why?

Sorry about the dark photos. I playtest during sim day and build during sim night.

It's definitely general bitchery with CAW. I can't see a pattern, though.

Title: Re: CAW lot placing weirdness
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 January 30, 02:16:06
The pattern appears to be that you have this compulsive inability to draw parallel lines, so the lots are trying to get closer than 1 tile.

Title: Re: CAW lot placing weirdness
Post by: Lion on 2010 January 30, 04:13:56
In the example pic (the problem one) you only have a one-tile gap, right?

No, I had one-tile gap, two-tile gap, three-tile gap.

Sorry about the dark photos. I playtest during sim day and build during sim night.

Very funny.

The pattern appears to be that you have this compulsive inability to draw parallel lines, so the lots are trying to get closer than 1 tile.

I can attest to that. Sometimes CAW just does not allow one-tile buffer and demands a two-tile buffer instead, for no reason, even when everything is snapped to grid, and the ground is absolutely flat.

But my weirdness is not quite like the two-tile buffer though. After I lined up a bunch of lots, I could not draw any lot or place road in a roughly 100-tile radius.

Title: Re: CAW lot placing weirdness
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 January 30, 04:24:01
Check the coordinates of the lot. Perhaps they've suffered floating point error and are no longer quite right.

Title: Re: CAW lot placing weirdness
Post by: Lion on 2010 February 01, 22:21:00
Tried again, and this time I changed the grid rotation after a few lots, and still got stuck. You can see the distant lot is where I can draw a lot again. What's wrong with my CAW?


Title: Re: CAW lot placing weirdness
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 February 01, 23:52:52
Well, for starters, your concept of "straight" is horribly broken.

Title: Re: CAW lot placing weirdness
Post by: Zazazu on 2010 February 02, 01:48:29
She said she changed the rotation after a few lots, silly.

Your CAW seems to hate you. No way no how have I ever had that sort of drawing constraint.