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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: qvcatullus on 2010 January 16, 01:02:42

Title: Invite foreign visitor not working?
Post by: qvcatullus on 2010 January 16, 01:02:42
My sim visited France and made a couple of friends there. When she came back, I tried to call her friends to come visit, and look, 'invite foreign visitor.' OK. It lets me select this, but announces that 'my sim doesn't know anyone in another location that well' or something. Odd, because she made 2 full-bar best friends, but one of them was the special crap dealer, so maybe they can't visit or something. I then just tried calling long distance to chat, and got the same thing -- it allowed me to select the option, but told me I didn't know anyone abroad.
I do not know if this is an Awesome Mod thing, an 'I don't know what I'm doing' thing, if I need to wait a certain time after returning from abroad, or what. But if it is an AM thing, it might be a bug. Or maybe consorting with the enemy is forbidden.

Title: Re: Invite foreign visitor not working?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2010 January 16, 01:07:41
The Special Crap Dealer is no-invite, yes.

Title: Re: Invite foreign visitor not working?
Post by: qvcatullus on 2010 January 16, 03:16:02
Gotcha, thanks! Not long-distance-call-to-chattable either, or is that still a potential problem?

There's still the other friend that it also won't let me call, but maybe they're a secret shopkeeper or something and I didn't notice.