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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Bembella on 2010 January 13, 19:48:49

Title: No interactions available in the Temple of Heaven
Post by: Bembella on 2010 January 13, 19:48:49
I've just been given the Pangu's Axe quest and have entered the Temple of Heaven, but can go no further. Everything I click - rubble pile, door, keyhole, even the floor - says "no interactions available". The only thing I can do is light the candles. Have I missed something or is my game FUBARed? The only hack I have is AwesomeMod.


Title: Re: No interactions available in the Temple of Heaven
Post by: LVRugger on 2010 January 14, 14:24:26
For Pangu's Ax, the first part is to smash the rubble pile and open that door. The door at the end of the hall with the keystone should say something like "You need the keystone of the monks to open this door." Make sure you are in the right tomb, there are 2 houses on the Temple grounds. If you can't interact with anything try resetting your sim and trying again. Good luck.

Title: Re: No interactions available in the Temple of Heaven
Post by: Bembella on 2010 January 14, 19:21:35
I'm sure I'm in the right tomb - it's the only one on the Temple's grounds with stairs going down! I can see the rubble pile and the door at the end of the hall with the keystone, but I can't interact with the rubble pile to smash it. Even if I nuke the rubble pile, I can't interact with the door behind it. Resetting the sim hasn't made any difference (neither did removing AwesomeMod, which I tried just in case).

Is there anything else I should try before reverting to a backup?

Title: Re: No interactions available in the Temple of Heaven
Post by: Bembella on 2010 January 15, 20:42:58
I decided to revert to a backup I made a couple of days previously and can now interact normally with everything in the tomb (and have found Pangu's Axe).

I have no idea what caused the problem before, but I noticed that all my sims contacts, except for those currently in China, had disappeared from the relationships tab during the borked trip to China. Whether the two incidents are connected I cannot say, but they both occured during the same trip.

Title: Re: No interactions available in the Temple of Heaven
Post by: Linden on 2010 January 15, 21:15:52
I had that problem recently with the Dragon Cave. My sim could only 'use stairs' and I could not change the floor level. The way I fixed it was to leave China and return. When I returned to China, the problem was fixed and I was able to complete the quest.