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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Tiababy on 2010 January 10, 03:11:02

Title: Riverview saves disappear.
Post by: Tiababy on 2010 January 10, 03:11:02
I've updated my game recently and spent roughly 2 and a half hours getting Riverview and my Sims store bits back.  >:(

Now I've come across an issue, in that I can not save a family in Riverview. As soon as I save and exit or go to main menu (after saving) thats it they disappear. This isn't an issue with sunset valley, that saves and plays fine.

I've now lost my main family as they were in Riverview  :'(
I've deleted all the old saves for Riverview so I can create fresh ones but it hasn't worked, at this stage I'm a bit stumped.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this?
If I can't fix it I guess I'll stick with sunset valley until EA breaks that one too. Thanks in advance for any help.

Title: Re: Riverview saves disappear.
Post by: coyote on 2010 January 10, 04:48:29
I've updated my game recently and spent roughly 2 and a half hours getting Riverview and my Sims store bits back.  >:(

Now I've come across an issue, in that I can not save a family in Riverview. As soon as I save and exit or go to main menu (after saving) thats it they disappear. This isn't an issue with sunset valley, that saves and plays fine.

I've now lost my main family as they were in Riverview  :'(
I've deleted all the old saves for Riverview so I can create fresh ones but it hasn't worked, at this stage I'm a bit stumped.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this?
If I can't fix it I guess I'll stick with sunset valley until EA breaks that one too. Thanks in advance for any help.
Yes. when I was working on a fix for riverview. I had a case like that. Please go read how to get Riverview to work in this post.,17610.0.html
If you are still having problems you can send me a private message on this forum.

Title: Re: Riverview saves disappear.
Post by: Tiababy on 2010 January 11, 00:01:09
I managed to finally get my saves to work after removing all traces of Riverview from my game.
It meant digging through a lot of folders.
Then I just grabbed my riverview file from an old back up and placed it in the new destination and got it working finally  ;D

Thanks for your help though. After reading through your post it became apparent what files may have caused the trouble  :)