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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Rainne on 2010 January 02, 21:14:59

Title: New CC from MTS causes game to lag horribly... help?
Post by: Rainne on 2010 January 02, 21:14:59
This may have already been answered, and if it has, I apologize.  I searched, but couldn't find anything on it.

That said, I downloaded a metric crapton of CC from MTS this afternoon, mostly paintings, but a few small-item recolors and a couple sets of furniture.  I used the Installer Monkey to install them all, and they are all *.package files.

Once I had them all installed, I pulled up my game, and like to have lost my mind.  It usually takes TS3 less than a minute to load to the menu on my machine; suddenly it was taking nearly 5 minutes.  Then, once I got a save-game loaded, it ran so slowly!  It was a nightmare.  Nothing was rendering, it was taking 5-10 seconds for menus to pop up when I clicked on things (like the fridge)... really, it was awful.

The first thing I did, naturally, was pull out all the CC I'd just installed, moving it to a different folder.  Then I tried reloading the game again, and *poof!* it loaded up as nice as you please.  So obviously it's the CC.  

Now, I'm accustomed to knowing that lots of CC makes the game load slower; after all, that was TS2 status quo.  But before I sit and go through all this CC piece by piece, I am wondering if having a lot of CC is a known issue of causing the whole game to run slower, or if it's because they are .package files versus being .sims3pack files.  I'm far less awesome than most of you in that I literally know nothing about programming and such (I haven't patched because I heard about the CC issue and trying to understand what's going on in that patch thread is beyond me), so I'm thinking it's entirely possible this is a PEBKAC issue.  Any help at all in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Edited because I referenced the wrong site where the CC came from, like an idiot.

Title: Re: New CC from MTS causes game to lag horribly... help?
Post by: saraswati on 2010 January 02, 21:39:29
Rainne, there's a thread at MTS about this issue. The solution is to run Process Explorer and you will find out which piece of custom content is broken.

Hope it helps. :)

Title: Re: New CC from MTS causes game to lag horribly... help?
Post by: Rainne on 2010 January 02, 23:27:38
I can't run the Process Monitor; it locks up all my available memory and then I have to restart the computer to do anything.  *le sigh*

I suppose I'll have to run through the CC piece by piece to find which one isn't working.  Thanks, though!

Title: Re: New CC from MTS causes game to lag horribly... help?
Post by: Yecats on 2010 January 03, 02:59:12
Use a Binary search.  It'll be faster than trying to test each piece of CC.  Even if you had 500 bits of CC, it would only take you 9 restarts to find the culprit. 

Title: Re: New CC from MTS causes game to lag horribly... help?
Post by: Rainne on 2010 January 03, 05:34:46
I have no idea how to do that, or even what a binary search is.  This is probably beyond my capabilities.

Title: Re: New CC from MTS causes game to lag horribly... help?
Post by: Greyform on 2010 January 03, 06:23:05
I have no idea how to do that, or even what a binary search is.  This is probably beyond my capabilities.

A binary search is simple. You take half your CC out and check to see if the problem persists. Whatever the outcome is, you know which half is causing the problem. You keep doing this again and again, eliminating half of what's left every time, until you find the one that's causing the problem.

It would go like this (rounded up) if you had 500 files to sort through:

1 <-- You know this one is the problem.

ETA: Of course, you run into problems when more than one file is causing the same problem, but you can just repeat the procedure over again if that's the case.

Title: Re: New CC from MTS causes game to lag horribly... help?
Post by: Rainne on 2010 January 03, 15:45:18
Oh!  Ha, that's much simpler than it sounded at first.  I'll give that a shot.  Thank you!