More Awesome Than You!

TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: staroverthebay on 2009 December 10, 03:46:12

Title: What could've caused this?
Post by: staroverthebay on 2009 December 10, 03:46:12
What the fuck caused this?


I patched up my game and ran it after updating awesomemod and stuff, and the first time I ran it, it ran just fine, no problems (except that my sims' bookcases, fridge and personal inventories were wiped completely clean) I played for a while. Then my computer decided it wanted to update Windows with a shitload of updates, so I saved and quit and let the computer do its thing, and reboot and stuff.  Then I open up the game, load the lot.... and get this. (The sims all look like that cuz most of them were in bed asleep, though one was down a floor, working out to the TV).

Moreover, 90% of the houses in that 'hood are all just black squares. I closed the game out, rebooted the system, and loaded the game again. Same fucking thing. And I don't think it was the patch that did it, cuz as I said, it worked just fine beforehand.

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: Treehugger on 2009 December 10, 03:59:44
It looks like you have the nighttime version of this problem,17241.0.html

I suggest you read that thread.

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: Slymenstra on 2009 December 10, 04:00:14
If your graphics are turned down a bit your "Blue Lotted" neighborhood looks black.

If that is not your problem, then I am not sure what it is.

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: staroverthebay on 2009 December 10, 04:19:51
The thing is, I don't have World Adventures.

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: Slymenstra on 2009 December 10, 04:39:57
Actually it looks like it was one of the patches that changed some code in some objects.  So if you patched your game it changed the way the game read some code in some CC.  They found the reason and a fix, but it can't fix an already corrupt neighborhood.

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: staroverthebay on 2009 December 10, 04:54:12
That's what I was afraid of. Dammit! Well, it looks like I'll be starting over with a new 'hood then.

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: Treehugger on 2009 December 10, 05:05:44
You don't need WA to have the blue(black) lot problem. I got it when I installed the 1.6 patch (WA wasn't released in my country until the 20th) as well as that my game was very laggy and slow . To cut a very long story short I ended doing a fresh install of the game with no CC and loaded the backup game. The game was much much faster than even before the patch so my CC had been slowing things down before the patch (but the patch made it a lot lot worse.) I installed the 1.7 patch and had no problems either with the blue/black lots or lagging and then installed WA and still had no problems. I am cautiously adding back in my CC.

I really do suggest that you read that thread I linked to as there is a lot of useful information in it.

You may not need to start a new neighbourhood, look for a file in your save folder ending with .legacy rename that by removing the .legacy and remove the folder created in your last save.

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 December 10, 14:56:09
This problem seems to be caused by loading Sims 1 instead of Sims 3. Because those look like Sims 1 sims.

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: staroverthebay on 2009 December 10, 20:07:57
Very funny, Pes :P I don't even have Sims 1 on this machine.

I encountered another problem: married sims can no longer interact with each other by command. I had a sim who got a wish/want to chat with her husband, but when I tried to direct her to him to talk to him, I got the "No interactions available" tooltip.

Lemme load up the game and get a screencap to show.

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: Moryrie on 2009 December 10, 20:15:46
Do you have any 'More Fun' or 'Change Single to Friendly' mods? Remove them. Now. Then interactions will be there again. If fact, remove any mods other than the latest update of awesomemod unless the creator has made it specifically for the latest patch.

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: staroverthebay on 2009 December 10, 22:22:06
Ah, thanks. I hadn't removed any behavioral mods.

I've decided to just delete all CC and and 'hoods, and just start over from scratch. I've been meaning to clean out my downloads folders for a long time now, so now's the perfect time to do it. (Now I'll only add patterns and stuff that I know I'll use)

Though I did get a rather strange box when I loaded up the game with the AwesomeMod as my only CC.


I had no idea AwesomeMod expired that quick!  :D

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: Slymenstra on 2009 December 10, 22:23:00
Star, the bad thing about the patch and World Adventures is a lot of the mods and CC are not compatible and need to removed.  Any of your favorite Mods/Hacks/Tuning files will need to be tracked down and you will need to look to see if they were updated.

You will have to do some "spring" cleaning before you can play again without errors and weirdness.  Then you can play with the fun bugs that came with the patch!

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: staroverthebay on 2009 December 11, 02:19:37
That's what I'm doing right now. On the plus side, most of my favorite mods have been updated to be compatible, or didn't need updating at all. Those that haven't, I can live without.

Title: Re: What could've caused this?
Post by: Druscylla on 2009 December 11, 05:06:21
If that is indeed the blue lot of death bug, it was found that it was being caused by lemoncandy's files. Plants I think. I removed all of that CC and the problem seems to be resolved.