More Awesome Than You!

Awesomeware => AwesomeMod! => Topic started by: Tawny on 2009 December 07, 05:12:57

Title: Frozen Sims?
Post by: Tawny on 2009 December 07, 05:12:57
So, today I reinstalled my game (I had problems before with updating to the new 1.7 or whatever) and installed the new Awesome Mod. When I loaded my game, (my legacy, whaaaaa!) my heir (teen) was frozen and I couldn't get him to do anything. So, I did resetSim and still nothing. I finally found that if I do resetSim and then clicked a random "Go here" or "Walk here" or whatever the hell, then I could interact with him again. Once that was all figured out, the clock struck one and the game crashed! BOOOO! So I changed my AM settings so that the AM Story Driver was on. And the same thing happened with the Sim, which I knew how to fix immediately. The clock strikes 1, I hold my breath, the clock strikes 1:01! YAY!

Then, another Sim freezes up. (Elder) UGH :| The way they freeze is really weird, they'll stand there, in a "hand on hip, kindof relaxed" pose, but any interactions you give do nothing, they don't move. I don't think they even blink. They just stand there. So, I did another resetSim and it worked.

Then, ANOTHER Sim freezes up (another Elder, female this time.) She freezes at the end of her shift at the hospital standing straight up with her arms sticking straight out horizontally. This time, I had to enter resetSim like five times before it actually works.

What is happening? How can I stop these shenanigans? Is it AM? The only other mods I have are some pieces of hair and Quick YAWN, if that helps. & I'm on a Mac. Don't know if that'll make a difference, either..?

Title: Re: Frozen Sims?
Post by: wizard_merlin on 2009 December 07, 05:51:46
I did see a comment on another thread that the recent EAxis patch for Mac's is actually quite bad.  So it may be just that.

Title: Re: Frozen Sims?
Post by: KawaiiMiyo on 2009 December 07, 09:04:02
I did see a comment on another thread that the recent EAxis patch for Mac's is actually quite bad.  So it may be just that.

I doubt it's just a mac only issue. I'm having this exact same problem, w/o the mac. (Unless I have the same problem caused by something else...) It's been driving me crazy lately, sometime's it was happening when they got out of bed, recently it happens whenever a sim finishes reading a story to a toddler. It seems to be random, but they are definitely frozen. No idle movements, not a single twitch or movement of the head. I haven't tried reset sim, usually I will try fast-forwarding, or trying to have another sim interact with the frozen one. usually after 2-3 sim hours, they "Snap out of it" somehow.

Title: Re: Frozen Sims?
Post by: Silent Dreamer on 2009 December 07, 15:57:30
The fun part is that I have the mac version and don't see half of the bugs reported...

So this is another case of EAxis patching not being one-size-fits-all... Wait, isn't that always the case? ;)

Title: Re: Frozen Sims?
Post by: sanscript on 2009 December 07, 19:01:11
I would also blame the latest patch first over any mods, especially if you're on a Mac (ironically, the EA people are claiming that the problems Mac people are having must be cc, hah). I took out all the mods from my game and am now working on my fourth base game reinstall, this time I'm refusing to patch until they fix shit. Unfortunately this means I can't install AwesomeMod yet either. But anyway, I very much doubt your issues are the result of your mods if you haven't had any problems until now. If this problem began around the time of your most recent EA patch, it's definitely the patch doing it.

Title: Re: Frozen Sims?
Post by: Daghain on 2009 December 07, 20:47:26
I always blame EA first for shit like this. I saw when they did the PC patch that TONS of people were having issues with it, so I didn't download the Mac version for a few days after it came out to see if the problems would be the same.

So far, it seems to be working for me, or at least I haven't noticed anything weird. I have no cc though, only stuff from the Sims store and the exchange.

Title: Re: Frozen Sims?
Post by: kuronue on 2009 December 08, 00:26:54
I would also blame the latest patch first over any mods

And yet, funny how 90% of "I PATCHED AND NOW IT'S BORKED FUCK YOU EA" posts end with "...oh, so it turned out this one mod I had was incompatible."

The patches screw with things, sure, but most of the outright breakage (games not loading, dogs peeing microwaves) tends to be tight pants.

Title: Re: Frozen Sims?
Post by: Tawny on 2009 December 08, 01:38:22
Thanks for the info, everyone. I'll deal with it until it gets fixed, whether it's a new EA patch or new AM. Le sigh.

Title: Re: Frozen Sims?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 December 08, 14:16:31
I have no frozen sims, therefore, the problem is something you did. Try a clean install + framework + awesomemod + config ONLY, and get rid of all that other crap. Then redownload. Standard procedure for a new expansion pack is to dump all hacks and reacquire from source.

Title: Re: Frozen Sims?
Post by: Froggie on 2009 December 14, 22:13:00
 ??? Having frozen sim problem for the first time since I got the game. I just got the newest update for AM today...could this be an issue? I have no other mods at ALL so it isnt a conflict. I have done resetsim a few times and nothing is happening. It is actually 2 sims. Mother and toddler daughter. I was teaching the little one how to talk and as soon as she finished, they both got stuck. Baby is still moving and making looped sounds, but mom is not moving at all. I would LOVE some help here!!

ok So after reset sim about 20 times they finally let go. Is there an issue with the new AM tho? Only asking because I have never had this issue before.

Title: Re: Frozen Sims?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 December 15, 21:22:58
Might be an EA/computer race condition issue. I can't reproduce it at all here.

Title: Re: Frozen Sims?
Post by: kalina on 2009 December 16, 05:07:34
A couple of weeks ago I was having a problem with sims freezing. It turned out that the problem was a very old version of csmacd.