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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: JenW on 2005 July 28, 15:07:09

Title: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: JenW on 2005 July 28, 15:07:09
Is this possible? I had a couple of kids taken by the social worker in a neighborhood I'm using for a challenge, and I don't want them going to another family. Is there a (safe and hopefully dummy-proof) way to remove these kids from the adoption pool, or at least move them to the bottom of the queue?


Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 28, 15:13:36
Well, other than adopting them outright? No, nothing really simple and dummy-proof. You can try manipulating the list in SimPE if you want, but I've never attempted any such thing, so I have no idea what effect this would have.

Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: JenW on 2005 July 28, 15:16:08
Well, if you haven't attempted it, I am certainly not about to  :o Maybe the organizers will allow me to get them adopted and have the whole family meet with a bizarre boolprop accident...


Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 28, 21:27:47
Does the challenge involve adoption?  If so, then whatever age the kids are, don't adopt that age group.

Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: JenW on 2005 July 28, 22:46:09
Yeah, you can adopt and I plan to, but I'm just starting the second generation and I have to go to five, and at some point I might decide I'd rather adopt a child instead of a baby or toddler. I already have one Sim who wants to marry off six kids and raising six from babies will take too long. :P


Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 28, 23:18:27
Well, try for quads!

Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: Inge on 2005 July 29, 06:46:59
I presume Simpe has some things you can do like change their family number to 0.  Then they will be in the holding family with the dead people and the game won't use them for anything.

Or if you want to do it in game, start a childrens' home by making a carer adult sim and moving them into a lot.  Use the teleporter plus (or one of the debug cheats) to move the unwanted kids into that lot, and just leave them there unplayed.   But of course that way you might see them on community lots and things like that.   Don't give them a phone or you will get calls from them.

Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 29, 11:17:48
You can also turn them into elders - they'll still wander round the town, but they won't be adoptable!

Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 July 29, 11:38:59
Or if you want to do it in game, start a childrens' home by making a carer adult sim and moving them into a lot.  Use the teleporter plus (or one of the debug cheats) to move the unwanted kids into that lot, and just leave them there unplayed.   But of course that way you might see them on community lots and things like that.   Don't give them a phone or you will get calls from them.

A sim orphanage? Now that's and idea. I have to mess around with that. If I want a kid adopted out of this orphanage, I just use the teleporter shrub to summon the specific kid to the sim-house and use the move-in option, right? I know this will not make them a member of the family, or fulfill the adoption want, but it will still add a child to a childless household.

I don't really care about how maxis assign family ties, if I put someone into a family this pixel person becomes a member of the family as far as my play is concerned. I know there is most likely a way to add someone to a family via SimPe, but...ahem.

And as far as want-fulfillment goes, I stop paying attention to them as soon as they hit permaplat and have enough asp's to last their life-time. Bippy has found that you can even use a ghost's left-over asp's with merola's mirror, which I, for some twisted reason, find hilarious. I play mostly knowledge sims who are very easy to keep happy. They are most devoted to each other and their children, so I just keep that in mind, and thus I usually fulfill their wants without having to look at the panel at all. Especially with JM's mod that nixed the unexplainable flirt wants that used to pop up in my knowledge sims.


Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 29, 11:51:14
Adding them to the family is relatively easy, but getting them to appear in the family tree is harder, and I've never tried it!

Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: JenW on 2005 July 29, 11:54:09
Quads?! Are you trying to give me a nervous breakdown? Twin toddlers are bad enough.

Teleporter shrub...I like the sound of this. That could be just the ticket. Is that an Inge hack?


Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 July 29, 11:58:00
Quads?! Are you trying to give me a nervous breakdown? Twin toddlers are bad enough.

Teleporter shrub...I like the sound of this. That could be just the ticket. Is that an Inge hack?


It is indeed, to be found, along with many other goodies, at simlogical.


Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: JenW on 2005 July 29, 12:01:50
I thought that sounded like her style  ;D I'll have to nab that one when I get off work tonight. Whee! Teleport in, boolprop out. Oh, can I boolprop visitors into oblivion or do I have to move them in first? Can kids even be killed with boolprop? ??? I've only killed a Sim with boolprop once, I usually opt for the doorless room approach.


Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 July 29, 12:23:02
Adding them to the family is relatively easy, but getting them to appear in the family tree is harder, and I've never tried it!

I did reconstruct an entire family tree when I had to wipe my Pleasantview and start over.  I had made my entire family and even my own house (with photos of my wallpaper and everything) and ended up with tons of bugs (didn't know about JM at that time) and had to start over.  I did know about SimPE and managed to extract my family before I wiped the neighborhood.  Then, I went in and at first I only used one person of a relationship, i.e. Matthew is the "son" of "Christine" and hit the big commit button.  That didn't work.  When I went back in, the relationships were gone again.  Then I realized you have to hit the smaller "commit relations" button FIRST before hitting the commit button.  Also, I had to go into both parties and assign relationships.  So "Matthew" is the "son" of "Christine" and "Christine" is the "Parent" of "Matthew".  Once I had done all that, voila!  The family tree appeared intact.  The only problem in in-laws, which I wasn't sure how to do, so I just assigned them as family with unknown ties.

I'm not a hacker or a modder, and this was easy for me to do with a minor amount of learning curve. 


Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: Inge on 2005 July 29, 12:27:06
The teleporter plus has the ability to move a family member out to  become a townie, and to put a child up for adoption.  To adopt a child *into* the current family, you summon them onto the lot (normal teleport mode), then move them into the house (they become a resident but not a relative) then adopt them as a family member if you wish.  They don't lose the memory of their real parents.

If you just move them into the orphanage, they will still be part of the birth parents' family tree, but living elsewhere.  If you are ready to give them a new family, then I advise putting the child up for adoption from the orphanage, and then adopting through social services in the normal way.

Just a warning - when you first adopt a child with the teleporter, they may not show in the family relationships panel for a while.  They will appear in the panel of each family member at the time of their first interaction with them.   The family tree may be built properly when you save and reenter the lot - ie it's a display update quirk rather than anything else.

Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: JenW on 2005 July 29, 12:36:23
Glad you posted here again, Inge. I'm not worried about family trees, I intend to kill the kids off as soon as I get them under my control again. I want to remove them permanently from the neighborhood...taken by the social worker and never seen again.

I was at your site a minute ago and saw your teleporters. The teleporter plus is exactly what I need! But I saw your warning about damage caused to other families :o What sort of damage are we talking about, and to what extent?


Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: Inge on 2005 July 31, 10:27:39
Well it seems I still have the caution pitched wrong :)  It just is trying to say that if you move a child into the family you are playing, he won't still be in the other family, so you need to think of the effect it would have on the other family, if for some reason you would have wanted to still play them like they were.   Or - what happens if you move out all of a family to other families, then the house is sitting there empty and no one can get the money from it.

Title: Re: Removing kids from adoption pool?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 31, 10:28:43
Glad you posted here again, Inge. I'm not worried about family trees, I intend to kill the kids off as soon as I get them under my control again. I want to remove them permanently from the neighborhood...taken by the social worker and never seen again.
If you just want to get rid of them forever, give them the death token. They will then be considered "dead".