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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Lion on 2009 December 06, 01:28:42

Title: Castle Exterior Stuff, looking good but not really
Post by: Lion on 2009 December 06, 01:28:42
Did anyone notice this? The new store castle exterior stuff look good, but not visible in the neighborhood view, or a little far away from the lot (i.e., when the lot is in low detail). If you coat an entire building with those columns and decos to look like a castle, all you see further away is a skeleton kind of construction made of thin columns with gaps in between all of them. The deco roof is not showing as well.  

I wonder if they can be modded to show up in neighborhood/further-away view.

Title: Re: Castle Exterior Stuff, looking good but not really
Post by: ingeli on 2009 December 06, 03:59:46
I noticed it too, lion - I have some other wishes for improvements. Like, why did they not make the top bits as fences? And the cover bits with windows, as far as I can see, dont work as windows. The deco bits with the smallest windows, those windows should be real windows too..
And WHEN will we get the medieval clothing and proper armor? /end rant

Title: Re: Castle Exterior Stuff, looking good but not really
Post by: Lion on 2009 December 06, 15:04:44
I know. I'm waiting for those too.

I know what you mean. The top bits as deco would not show up in low details, but fences do show up. So I'm going back to using fences. The cover bits with windows actually make a cut out for the window on the wall behind them if you look from the inside of the wall. But on the outside, you see the walls through those windows. First, I thought they implemented them like the roof with windows from the Apartment EP, but no, they are not windows.

The thing is they look so damn good, but not really usable. Errrrrrrr......