More Awesome Than You!

TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Kkate on 2009 December 03, 14:12:29

Title: WA lauching problem
Post by: Kkate on 2009 December 03, 14:12:29
Hi there!
Just downloaded WA from Installed it without any problems, updated the game, BUT after lauching an error message appeared "cannot verify if the game copy is legal", click on ok and the game shuts down. Uh, well, I know that itīs not an original game ^^" I have original base game and want to try WA  before purchasing it. Could anybody mabye help? Pretty pretty please?

Title: Re: WA lauching problem
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 December 03, 14:15:59
I have no idea what you did there, but

Title: Re: WA lauching problem
Post by: Dragon Slave on 2009 December 03, 15:39:10
Could anybody mabye help? Pretty pretty please?

Mmmmmmm... not feeling it.  

Maybe a few more pretty pleases would change my mind.  Don't forget the cherry on top.

Or you could just head over to the awesomemod section, assuming you haven't installed it in your game yet.