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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Mirelly on 2009 December 02, 13:44:20

Title: Slight Bed Problem
Post by: Mirelly on 2009 December 02, 13:44:20
OK a quick search turned up zilch. The problem I have is entirely of my own making and it affects a single teen in one household only.

The problem. I made a few building alterations while a household was sleeping. This involved moving two occupied beds. When the silly creature awoke she got out, in the position of the original bed (I had anticipated this and left that area clear) only due to dorkage I had rotated the bed through 180 degrees and the result was that she had to move through the house wall to de-bed. This left her standing in thin air at second floor level. I considered installing a temporary stairway to get her down, but that proved impossible as the location was at the extreme edge of the plot. So, holding my breath, I picked her up and dropped her by the mail box. This seemed to work and she went about her day with no further problems. However at bed time she got into her bed in the normal way, but on rising she performed a going down stairs action on the spot, before disappearing through the floor to reach the square on the ground floor that corresponds to the square at the middle side of the bed.

This behaviour is consistently repeatable and not even replacing the bed affects it ... which seems kind of weird, quite frankly. I haven't yet tried getting her to sleep somewhere else entirely, partly because it would just freak my chicken too much -- and cause me to throw things in angry frustration -- if she still insists on de-bedding in such a crazy-arsed way. If this were TS2, I could try the stuck object remover and other such reliable Flying Fish Systems products.

So, has anyone got any suggestions for smoothing out this kink in my game? It's not the end of the world. That teen is scheduled to be booted out of the house as soon as I can find her a partner, after which she will become an un-played townie. All the same, it would good to know if it can be fixed. OK, I'll be honest. I'm sort of hoping there's an undiscovered shiny for exactly this sort of malarkey.

Title: Re: Slight Bed Problem
Post by: nanacake on 2009 December 02, 13:47:26
Are you using AM? Did you try a reset sim?  Enter ''resetsim firstname lastname'' (without quotes) in the cheat console.

Title: Re: Slight Bed Problem
Post by: Mirelly on 2009 December 02, 13:55:46
I'll give that a go ....

eta. Yup, that did it. I suppose I really ought to look into all the shiny goodness of AM.  ::)