More Awesome Than You!

TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: aspinL on 2009 December 02, 06:00:59

Title: WA and it's hatred for me
Post by: aspinL on 2009 December 02, 06:00:59
Okay so I've had WA installed since right after it came from digital download. I haven't actually played it or anything, until today. I have been reading all about the blue lots and cc run-ins, and installed the latest of Awesome. So I launched the game with a good deal of knowledge of all that was probably going to happen. I didn't take out any cc or hacks (except for the reported ones that don't work, such as a Lemoncandy plant) in hopes I might get lucky. The orange load screen came up and the cursor spun for almost 10 minutes with no change and the load bar didn't even have any progress. So, I quit and took out all my cc except for the latest Awesome and the latest NRAAS computer(and deleted the appropiate caches) and relaunched. Still the same outcome. But this time I monitored the CPU and noticed that from the time I clicked "play" till the time it got to the standstill orange load screen the CPU stayed around 44%. Which is not like my machine, which usually stays up high at, at least 85% or so when loading the game. The CPU light also barely lit up, which it usually is almost a solid blue blinking light. And I didn't hear much processing going on in side, such as the disk spinning.
So. I uninstalled and reinstalled WA and relaunched. This time I let it try and load for 30 minutes. 30 minutes. To no avail. Same outcome. Spinning cursor, no load bar progress but I did notice the CPU light was blinking rapidly for a while but stopped near the last 30 minutes :/.

What the heck? I don't really know what to try now. I'm almost to the point where I don't even want to play now. I can deal with maybe trying to deal with blue lots, but I can't even get to the menu screen!

Title: Re: WA and it's hatred for me
Post by: Tever on 2009 December 02, 06:10:34
Move your framework out of the base folder and into the WA folder. If it's already in the WA folder, move it back. It seems to be pure voodoo which way will actually work.

Title: Re: WA and it's hatred for me
Post by: aspinL on 2009 December 02, 17:16:31
I read about that about that but there was such mixed feelings I never did it.

Will definitely be trying it right away and see what happens :)

Edit: Well, I put all the right files and folders in the WA folders and wall-ah! It loaded up just fine. Thanks for your suggestion :)