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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Kidzth on 2009 December 01, 18:33:06

Title: Martial Arts Sparring
Post by: Kidzth on 2009 December 01, 18:33:06
Hello there. I just want to ask about sparring system ingame. I have one of a character with max atheletic and martial arts but when he spar with others whose ranks are lower say 5 athletic 9 martial arts, he was defeated with score 0-2 and that happened so many times. It begs the question what factors that affect the sparring. Have anyone try collecting data about this? Thanks for your attention.

Title: Re: Martial Arts Sparring
Post by: alaira on 2009 December 01, 19:13:15
My guess would be that there's a hidden sparring skill, just like the hidden chess skill, and you need to spar a lot to get better at it.

Title: Re: Martial Arts Sparring
Post by: Gastfyr on 2009 December 01, 20:51:44
My sim with maxed athletic earned his first martial arts point and then proceded to defeat his first sparing opponent twice.  If NPC belt colours mean anything, his opponent was waring black with a green belt.  I thought it was very strange that he could win so easily against someone with much more skill.

Title: Re: Martial Arts Sparring
Post by: notyourbusiness on 2009 December 02, 12:23:52
My sim is Martial Arts level 10
Athletic level 10
Tournament Rank 5
And she repeatedly gets her ass kicked by sims with Martial Arts level 2+ . WTF?

Title: Re: Martial Arts Sparring
Post by: KawaiiMiyo on 2009 December 02, 23:11:15
My guess would be that there's a hidden sparring skill, just like the hidden chess skill, and you need to spar a lot to get better at it.

 They must be doing an excellent job at keeping this hidden. Because they sure are leaving out all traces and signs of this being the case. My sim had max everything as well. And believe me, my sim has sparred plenty. I don't know what qualifies as "Alot" But making all the needs static, and proceeding to have my sim do one match after another, constantly for about 2 sim weeks appeared to do very little. After the two weeks, and after my sim at the end losing 6-7 matches in a row... I gave up on the whole idea.

   Until someone can show otherwise, I've made the conclusion it's purely a "Flip of a coin" type of thing. 50/50. Disciplined trait increasing chances? Bah. Must be a myth. An excuse for EA to add one more awkward/out of place idle animation. And actual skill levels? Nah those can't be affecting anything other than what colors your sim decides to wear while trainin'. It's lies! All lies!  :-X

Title: Re: Martial Arts Sparring
Post by: Greyform on 2009 December 03, 07:03:31
Yes, the absurd randomness of the skill is why I requested that AwesomeMod make it awesome like "fight club" did with fighting in TS2. In my opinion, only skills, traits, and experience with fighting should be used to determine whether a sim wins or loses. If a sim has either lucky or unlucky as a trait, then there should be more of an element of randomness to it, but only then.

Title: Re: Martial Arts Sparring
Post by: Kidzth on 2009 December 03, 11:48:22
alaira : hidden sparring skill, eh? Never thought they would make seperate hidden skill from the one blatantly displayed on the screen.... Well, even if such thing exists, it does not explain why the sim I mentioned losing to his student 4 times in a row. 4 times ! and his own student ! Surely something is not right.

Greyform : Awesome mod would be great but again, I do not think this matter is within El Presidente's priority.

Title: Re: Martial Arts Sparring
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 December 03, 14:18:45
I suspect it works a lot like this:
Greyform : Awesome mod would be great but again, I do not think this matter is within El Presidente's priority.
You're kidding, right? Fighting, not a priority?

Title: Re: Martial Arts Sparring
Post by: Kidzth on 2009 December 03, 15:13:49
So it is back to spearmen versus tanks again, then. :-\

Mr. President, I did not mean to offend. I only thought your priority would be fixing the bugs so the game does not explode in the face first and enhancing gameplay as a second.

Title: Re: Martial Arts Sparring
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 December 03, 15:30:31
So I looked at it. You know why we're getting the stupid combat results? Because they're using the SAME STUPID COMBAT FORMULA that produced the Spearman vs. Tank effect in Civ. That's right, it's A/(A+B) again. It's a terrible formula that guarantees nonsense results anytime A is not at least 2-3 orders of magnitude greater than B.