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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: mctavish on 2009 November 29, 04:04:45

Title: Any way to edit family relationships after CAS?
Post by: mctavish on 2009 November 29, 04:04:45
I was making a large family of sims and had finally put the finishing touches on.  However, when I clicked over to the relationship screen, the "assign relationships" box refused to work.  I could drag the pictures around, but the pop-up boxes that should have shown up when two sims are connected didn't appear.  Additionally, the family member icons stuck to the cursor, even after I cancelled out of the relationship editor screen.  I more or less accidentally clicked "Continue" after trying the editor several times, with no luck.  The net result is that I now have a large family of orphan roommate sims instead of the extended clan idea I had in mind.

So, clearly something is weird here.  My question, then, is if there is any way to edit this family again after-the-fact.  I know AwesomeMod has an "Edit in CAS!" command for individual sims in the debugging menu; is there something similar that will let me reassign household relationships?

Given the possibly-bug-infested proceedings here, maybe I ought to just consign this instance of the family to the trash and re-make them, but I don't really feel like re-doing seven different sims at the moment...  :-[

Title: Re: Any way to edit family relationships after CAS?
Post by: almostawesome on 2009 November 29, 04:10:17
This was a glitch from an old build of Awesomemod.
However, you could go to the mirror with each person, click save sim, go back to CAS, and remake them.

Title: Re: Any way to edit family relationships after CAS?
Post by: mctavish on 2009 November 29, 04:25:50
I'm almost positive I have the newest version of the mod.  I downloaded it two days ago, and there shouldn't be any cached versions in my browser... but oh well.  I see there is a new version up today, anyway.

I'll try the mirror method, thanks.

Title: Re: Any way to edit family relationships after CAS?
Post by: KawaiiMiyo on 2009 November 29, 04:32:30
I also thought Twallan's supercomputer had an option to edit relationships...

Title: Re: Any way to edit family relationships after CAS?
Post by: mctavish on 2009 November 29, 15:58:24
I also thought Twallan's supercomputer had an option to edit relationships...
Hmm, this looks promising.  I was able to add the child-parent relationships with the mod and the parents were easily cheated back up to wedding-status.  Call the extra ceremony "renewing their vows", or something. Thanks.

Title: Re: Any way to edit family relationships after CAS?
Post by: Sigmund on 2009 November 29, 21:08:01
I think there's a "Genealogy" option in debug mode. Control+Shift click on the sim (or is it just shift? I can't remember), and look for the button that says "Genealogy". Not sure how detailed it is, though. May have to check this out later, as I haven't played in awhile. Damn real life.