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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Death-Jester on 2009 November 22, 09:27:20

Title: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: Death-Jester on 2009 November 22, 09:27:20
Hello. I have noticed a problem with plants I have planted in my lot. They seem to be either not growing, or growing very slowly.
I planted some onions, some rare and special seeds I found around town, and some lettuce.
The onions seem to be stuck at 'growing' (the stage before 'mature'. Not a whole plant yet). The rare and special seeds are still on 'planted' after 5 days. The lettuce went to 'growing' after 1 day. None of the plants get weeds, nor do they wither if I don't water them.
My sim has maxxed gardening, has completed all the opportunities (so he can now plant Omni plants), and has finished all the 'tasks', other than the one to harvest 75 Perfect fruit & veg.

Now, I know there could be a chance that one of my CC is messing it up, but I have quite a lot, and I thought it best to ask if it's a known problem before I give up and abandon the game (going through over 1000 .package files is just not going to happen! Plus with all the trouble I had with the 'blue pools' bug, any more testing is just not going to happen).

So, is it a known problem? Any idea of a solution that doesn't involve several days of loading screens and boredom?

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2009 November 22, 09:43:31
I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.  Is this a base game problem?  Or have you recently installed WA or patched?  If not, CC is the likely cause.

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: Death-Jester on 2009 November 22, 09:52:33
Sorry, I meant to say that I have indeed installed WA.

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: Greyform on 2009 November 22, 09:59:18
I have WA and my plants grow without any problems, so it probably is just a CC problem. I only have a little, but I had to remove almost half of it because of incompatibility with WA.

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 November 22, 10:11:55
This sounds normal. I don't imagine "watching plants grow" was ever meant to be interesting.

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: Death-Jester on 2009 November 22, 10:26:34
This sounds normal. I don't imagine "watching plants grow" was ever meant to be interesting.

Really? Do you really think it sounds normal, or are you just having a laugh?
Because no weeds, no growth, no wilting, and no harvest don't sound normal to me.
It's now been over 10 in game days with no change in growth. I've started a brand new sim, without any mods or CC other than the official stuff.

So far, the only bug I've encountered is that the sound occasionally stops working for a while, then all the sounds play at once, then it goes quite, and repeats the process. The only way to stop it is to quit out and re-enter. I can only imagine it's either a patch or WA bug.

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2009 November 22, 11:48:58
I haven't tried gardening in the any of the main hoods since installing WA but I have noticed that plants are definitely re-harvesting in the Egypt hood.  I need to try and grow a pomegranate plant for a quest so will get my sin to do it in the main hood and let you know whether I have any problems.

Edit - Have just run through a 24 hour period and my plants haven't sprouted yet.  I am sure that they used to sprout within 12 hours.  I planted a pomegranate and plum tree.  Now also planted some base game seeds: tomato, apple etc.  I am starting to think that they have broken gardening though as I am running a vanilla game (unpatched).

Also have you noticed the addition of a 'fertilize plants with the best fertilizer' option?  I'm sure this is new.  It doesn't seem to cost anything and it doesn't tell you what fertilizer it used.

Edit 2 - 48 hours and the pomegranate and plum trees have sprouted.  As have the tomato, apple and lettuce plants (24 hours).  Still waiting for the lime, potato, grape and watermelon (24 hours).

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: Death-Jester on 2009 November 22, 21:13:57
Yeah, I did notice that new fertilise option, and started using it a lot on my save. I am fairly certain it did use up stuff from my inventory (I had over 100 tomatoes to start with and it went down to under 80 once I'd finished fertilising).

However, I have started a new save, with no CC on it other than the official stuff. I have no had any problems so far with growth rates. The only diference (other than no CC) is that my Sim hasn't got the Green Thumb trait (the one you choose when creating the sim). Perhaps something is amiss with that.

Actually, thinking about it, I haven't seen the 'fertilise with best' option on this new Sim. Maybe it's tied into the Green Thumb trait.

Nope, sorry, I do have that fertilise option on a Sim without the Green Thumb trait. I haven't used it yet thought.

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: Skadi on 2009 November 22, 23:29:20
In my WA game I've had a sim with the green thumb trait happily growing a garden of plants, including ones from China. I've got the very latest patch, and minimal CC - just defaults and 2 hairs. It may be some CC that's interfering.

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: wheresmypony on 2010 February 02, 13:23:38
I've just had the same problem, I'm wondering if its the property that my sim is on, its the one next to the waterfall/lake?

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: The_Goddess on 2010 February 02, 14:45:13
I have noticed that the rare and uncommon plants do take longer than the common plant to come to full maturity.  That is normal.  As far as no wilting or weeds; if your Sim is a level 10 gardener and has a green thumb, it is also normal that the plants would be able to go longer periods of time without needing tending.  My suggestion is that you give it a bit more time and get back to us if they still do not mature after a week (Sim time that is).

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: snabul on 2010 February 02, 15:15:54
Just a wild guess:

Maybe something is borked and aging of sims has been linked to growing of plants.

Maybe seeds in inventory cause this, they already caused trouble with fishing.

Maybe an "eventcontroller" has been deleted that is growing plants (I do not know if sims3 has that kind of objects).

So far my brainstormedunawesomesuggestions.

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: tigerslildevil on 2010 February 17, 22:36:25
I'm totally having this problem too!! idk what the heck is wrong. I've gardened ALOT and then when I moved my family, their new garden isn't growing at all. I have no idea what the heck is wrong!

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: cannedsarcasm on 2010 February 18, 05:58:00
FWIW, I did encounter this once, around the same time as the OP. A small garden of plants, having already been harvested several times before, failed to return to a harvest state despite four or five sim days passing. Since this included an apple tree (which to my knowledge is one of the more frequently harvestable plants), I took notice. I wish I'd taken greater notice of the problem at the time, such as the plants involved, the sim involved, other miscellaneous oddities that might have been indicative of a larger problem. It would have been interesting to observe whether all future plants were screwed as well, or if it was just those specific plants in that garden.

Fortunately (or unfortunately?) I had a CAS loading fail a few sim days later, and needed to later revert to the last save point, prior to the garden going screwy. The garden in that earlier save subsequently grew as normal. I don't know what caused it, I don't think it was WA related as I don't have it. It might have been CC related, but I only had a few CC hairs, which I used before and after the problematic garden with no other issues.

I haven't encountered the problem since and the hood hasn't shown other problems, it may have been a plain hiccup in the game.

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: catsahoy on 2010 February 21, 03:39:44
I haven't encountered the problem since and the hood hasn't shown other problems, it may have been a plain hiccup in the game.


Also see if the same issues happen on a friend's PC.

Not exclusive to the Sims I have seen weird shit happen to my friends' systems.  Could have been a myriad of reasons, including hardware, but it's not CC as they had none.

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: Rayea on 2010 February 21, 22:54:25
I had somethin g similar tonight, after reinstalling Sims3.
I loaded up the coconut island world (its small and loads fast, so I use it as a test lot for checking if i have borkified my game with some CC) and the plants in the comunity garden had all vanished.

Now, i had installed normal EAfail sims3 and patched, but kept my .package files to a minimum (I do not have WA or Stuffpack, am patched to 1.7)

the file that casued my problems was an outdated version of the tweeked food package Cooking and Ingrediants Overhaul at this thread,15894.0.html

Of course, this is my own fault for using outdated package, not the owner/maker/re-tweeker of the mod.
However, maybe with WA installed, the plants just stay in stasis?
(repying here, in case you have said mod and it is the one you need to find and take out)

Title: Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing
Post by: Chain_Reaction on 2010 February 21, 23:34:34
I have a bell pepper plant that is stuck in a constant cycle of wilting. I water it and the next day the damn thing is wilted again. It never produces peppers or anything. Come to think of it, none of the plants seem to be doing anything lately. I don't pay enough attention to it really, maybe it's all stuck.  :-\