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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: animechick on 2009 November 08, 12:55:41

Title: Nevermind..
Post by: animechick on 2009 November 08, 12:55:41
Hiii! So, I lurk quite a bit, I could lurk more, I don't want to be fed to any fishes or anything, so bare with me here =3
My problem is with the items (clothing) installed with the sims installer... they show up in the game just fine, but is there another way to delete them other than literally sifting through my downloads and manually deleting them (because the items are simply not showing up). Is my noob-butt missing something? When I click on the item, it has the pretty li'l sims icon on the corner, but none of the options to delete come up.
I'm a notorious family downloader, and I'm pretty sure they'll put customs on your computer, so I deleted the offending family (or so I thought), and the clothes are still there. I don't want them there, they aren't attractive, and they're making my toddlers and children all S-curve Jack Skellington about it. Ugh, anyhow. So, if there's a way to delete clothes you installed with the sims installer in-game, I'd greatly appreciate it.
And if there's something super obvious that I'm missing, a thousand apologies from the depths of my soul <3!

TL;DR Version - How Do I Delete Clothing Installed With Sims Installer In Game?

Title: Re: Deleting Items..
Post by: Moryrie on 2009 November 08, 13:31:33
Open Launcher. Click Installed Content. Scroll throught it a few times, and wait a while for it to finish loading. (depending on how crap you have, this could take a long time.) .. If you don't scroll through it a few times, the loading process will get stuck, and you'll have wasted time. When if finishes loading (or before if you know the file names) you can scroll through, find what you need to delete, and get rid of it all. There's some tabs on the top that allow you to switch to just sim stuff, just objects, just lots, or just patterns, but don't click these. Often TSR crap isn't categorized, so... you wont be able to find it, and will have wasted more time.

That help? .. There's no quick way unless you want to loose all your CC.

Title: Re: Deleting Items..
Post by: animechick on 2009 November 08, 14:06:42
Yeah, that's what I get for trying to post things at like 4:00 AM, I failed to mention, I can't find the items on the Launcher.. I think they're packaged in with something else. *sigh*
I suppose if that's the only way, I'll futz with it =3
Thanks for the speedy response! <3

..... Futz'd with... found it.. thank you. I'm an idiot <3<3<3