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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Mushufasa on 2009 November 07, 07:04:26

Title: Extra Tombstones
Post by: Mushufasa on 2009 November 07, 07:04:26
I'm using HP's mega-hood #373, ( a compliation of all the Maxis 'hoods,) and I wanted to move Consort Capp's family from their shopping district of Veronaville to the main 'hood of Pleasantview.  I loaded all the graves into Consort's inventory and gave them a blank lot in Pleasantview.  Everything seemed fine at this point.  Feeling uninspired to build a mansion for them, I then decided to kick them out and rezoned a downloaded community lot to residential for their home.  I deleted the community phone/trashcan and replaced them with downloaded residential versions.  The lot seemed to be functioning fine on my test neighborhood so I binned to, plopped it in the mega-hood, and moved the Capps in.  Unlike with the blank lot they were in previously, (where they stayed in Consort's inventory,) the graves spawned along the road.  All nine of the graves have the correct names displayed.  When I look in Consort's inventory though, there are now nine tombstones that say "Rest in Peace".

Should I continue playing and just leave the extra graves in Consort's inventory to die with him, delete the extras, or did I somehow doom my 'hood and need to start over again?  Thanks in advance for any help.

Title: Re: Extra Tombstones
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 November 09, 01:20:07
I'm using HP's mega-hood #373, ( a compliation of all the Maxis 'hoods,) and I wanted to move Consort Capp's family from their shopping district of Veronaville to the main 'hood of Pleasantview.  I loaded all the graves into Consort's inventory and gave them a blank lot in Pleasantview.  Everything seemed fine at this point.  Feeling uninspired to build a mansion for them, I then decided to kick them out and rezoned a downloaded community lot to residential for their home.  I deleted the community phone/trashcan and replaced them with downloaded residential versions.  The lot seemed to be functioning fine on my test neighborhood so I binned to, plopped it in the mega-hood, and moved the Capps in.  Unlike with the blank lot they were in previously, (where they stayed in Consort's inventory,) the graves spawned along the road.  All nine of the graves have the correct names displayed.  When I look in Consort's inventory though, there are now nine tombstones that say "Rest in Peace".
The 9 inventory tombstones are corrupted now and you should destroy them.