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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: SIMone de beauvoir on 2009 November 06, 12:27:32

Title: Thumbnails
Post by: SIMone de beauvoir on 2009 November 06, 12:27:32
I want to refresh the thumbnails in game, like I did in Sims 2, because some do not show right. Can I just delete the files in the Thumbnails folder in my docs? Is it safe?

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: Inge on 2009 November 06, 13:23:35
Yes, you can.

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: Process Denied on 2009 November 06, 18:14:57
What's with the weird thumbnails for Mortimer etc.  I remade the Goths and it still had a boy thumbnail even though my Mortimer was never a boy.

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: ShortyBoo on 2009 November 07, 14:07:12
It's not just Mortimer. I played the family for awhile and Cornelia, all the way until she died had her thumbnail occasionally revert back to her original adult form. I think Gunther had this problem too.

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: witch on 2009 November 08, 02:19:01
In one hood I had, Mortimer and Bella both kept their childhood thumbnails until at least full adulthood. I ditched the hood then, so don't know if would continue. I never tried deleting any thumbnail files because it didn't bother me that much.

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: saraswati on 2009 November 08, 02:39:22
I can go one better than that, I have a family with Alice and Kev, and Alice's thumbnail actually gender switched on me. I still have no idea why it happened, I ended up restarting my 'hood afterward.

( (

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: Inge on 2009 November 08, 09:47:23
Quote from: SIMone de beauvoir
Thank you Inge

You're welcome :)

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: tizerist on 2009 November 08, 11:55:05
Alice's thumbnail actually gender switched on me.
Ah I remember the good old days of the sims 2 wrong sex bug. Used to happen fairly regular that your sim would generate the wrong sex version of themselves, and you could see what looked like a sister or brother to what it was supposed to be.
I hated that bug.

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: Moryrie on 2009 November 08, 13:32:55
I've seen that glitch before. I've only seen females sims get it.. and it's always the same picture of the same fugly male.

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: kuronue on 2009 November 08, 17:55:00
I've seen that glitch before. I've only seen females sims get it.. and it's always the same picture of the same fugly male.

Could it be related to the sims 2 thumbnail of doom?

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: Moryrie on 2009 November 08, 18:46:37
I'm not sure. I just know he's hard to get rid of, but seems to be mostly harmless.

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: saraswati on 2009 November 08, 19:33:36
 ;) So we could call it the Sims 2 and 3 thumbnail of doom.

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: ShortyBoo on 2009 November 08, 19:50:19
That mustache guy was discussed in this (,15471.0.html) thread a few months ago.

Title: Re: Thumbnails
Post by: saraswati on 2009 November 08, 21:01:16
Thank you for that ShortyBoo, I must have missed that thread when it was discussed. At least I know the fix now if I ever get that issue again.