Title: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: Invalidwtf on 2009 October 31, 22:15:26 I know the awsomemod has enhanced facial sliders, but does it have the body modifier ones too? Delphy made one that does both, but he scrapped it when the awsomemod had the facial ones too. Problem is it seems the awsomemod doesn't have the body modifier one and i checked the details of the mod over and over and im not seeing it and im hoping i missed something. If anyone has any info on this pls tell me.
Title: Re: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: cefwyn on 2009 October 31, 23:31:45 No there are no enhanced body modifier sliders in AwesomeMod. The reason could be due to the fact that if the muscle or fat values are greater or less then the default limits when a sim exercises or does something that forces the game to look at the values, the values are snapped back to the hard-coded limits. This could probably be fixed in AwesomeMod and then have the enhanced sliders included but so far that's not been done.
Title: Re: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: Greyform on 2009 November 01, 01:18:08 The body sliders in Delphy's mod don't conflict with awesome--just the facial ones. Feel free to use just the body sliders. I use them and have no problems. Now, if only the SetFitness command could allow values greater than one...
Title: Re: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: Thirdo on 2009 November 01, 22:49:24 you must not have a patched version of the game then. Delphy's body and face sliders are not usable if you have patch 1.3 or 1.4
Title: Re: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: wizard_merlin on 2009 November 02, 06:09:26 you must not have a patched version of the game then. Delphy's body and face sliders are not usable if you have patch 1.3 or 1.4 Delphy's female breast sliders work fine. Without the patch, AM won't work. Title: Re: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: Thirdo on 2009 November 02, 13:55:41 I'm sorry, i should have been more clear. i know the breast sliders work with the current patches, but the older one for the face and body (the ones that lets you adjust how fat/skinny/ripped the sim is) dose not.
Title: Re: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 November 03, 05:12:48 The body slider is not included in AwesomeMod because it does not require any core modification to create, and therefore, the existing one will work fine...for certain values of fine. However, the game will rubberband any illegal values back to the normal bounds at any point in which fitness or fatness is modified, so for the most part, creating illegal fitness/fatness values is only useful for brief screenshots and not for gameplay.
Title: Re: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: Mosquito on 2009 November 03, 08:32:51 Also, Delphy said s/he was working on body sliders for different body parts (height included), so we have more sparklies on the way. Right after the "returns to normal state outside CAS" problem is fixed.
Title: Re: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 November 03, 10:55:02 That isn't a "problem". The reason the fitness sliders return to normal ranges is that there HAS to be SOME kind of limit, otherwise the sim would turn into a giant blob of either fat, muscle, or both, as they would never stop increasing. Since NORMAL people do not end up looking like that without artificial methods not present in the game, it is reasonable that those are the set limits.
Title: Re: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: Greyform on 2009 November 10, 04:21:33 you must not have a patched version of the game then. Delphy's body and face sliders are not usable if you have patch 1.3 or 1.4 I've been using the body sliders since they were released--it works with both those patches you mentioned on my end. Title: Re: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: jemonkey on 2009 November 14, 21:28:04 That isn't a "problem". The reason the fitness sliders return to normal ranges is that there HAS to be SOME kind of limit, otherwise the sim would turn into a giant blob of either fat, muscle, or both, as they would never stop increasing. Since NORMAL people do not end up looking like that without artificial methods not present in the game, it is reasonable that those are the set limits. Is there any way of increasing those limits? Not by a big amount, but enough for some more diversity. Or are those limits hard-coded into the game so that changing them is simply too hard? Title: Re: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: ZombieRain on 2009 November 18, 19:45:59 http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=377975
Here are some new body sliders. However this is still in beta. Title: Re: Are there enhanced body modifier sliders? Post by: Drakron on 2009 November 18, 20:23:31 http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=377975 Here are some new body sliders. However this is still in beta. Those sliders work fine with AM. However in that same tread there is a attempt at altering the CAS UI to have a new "body" button that does require a core mod in order to work and from the look of things it have been successful. |