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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: dusty on 2005 July 28, 07:11:50

Title: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: dusty on 2005 July 28, 07:11:50
My sim married one of the cheerleaders, and whenever she visits another sim or appears downtown, she shows up in a lama outfit.  I gather this is to do with the game not properly realising she's no longer an NPC - is that right and is there anything that can be done about it?

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 28, 07:13:33
You mean other than hacking the character file in SimPE? No, not really.

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 July 28, 14:07:23
Not sure that editing them in SimPE works either, unless there are hidden values that need changing.  One of my Sims is partnered-up with a llama mascot.  She's graduated and is still in the Greek House waiting for her time to be up and I'm now playing him through Uni.  He wears normal clothes when I'm controlling him, but every now and again he will turn-up in the dorms in his llama gear, even though I've removed all his NPC markers in SimPE.  Will be interesting to see what happens when he's an adult n the main neighbourhood.

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 28, 14:34:42
Removing all his NPC markers won't be complete: The NPC markers are much less important than his personal code. To access this, you have to open his individual character file in SimPE, then strip and replace all of his BHAVs with those of a "normal" sim. Otherwise, he'll still have his NPC codes that may not properly deactivate even with his no-longer-NPC status.

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 28, 21:31:47
Maybe there's a way you could remove his llama suit from the wardrobe?

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 28, 22:40:18
Heh, doubt that would help. Firstly, the llama doesn't really come from a wardrobe, he just "wears" it. Secondly, I *WISH* things could be removed from the wardrobe. Then i could go and create the Salvation Army Dumpster.

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 28, 23:28:44
And I suppose, if you can't do it, it can't be done!  So I guess the moral is, leave cheerleaders and mascots where they belong - in college!

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 28, 23:46:21
Yeah, pretty much. They're a very unusual form of NPC that continues to exhibit NPC behaviors even when not visiting as an NPC.

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 29, 00:19:07
And they're so darned annoying!  I zap them now!

If I want my sims to yell Gerbitz! all over the place, I can have a sports party!

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: fff on 2005 July 29, 02:07:47
Oh, I wish I'd read this thread BEFORE I had one of my Sims marry a cheerleader - although she's now dropped out of Uni and is living back in the 'hood, she can still only wear YA clothes, although her age thingy (see - I know all the technical terms) shows her as being an adult...

Bloody hell, this game gives me the s#!ts sometimes ....  ;D

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 29, 02:14:01
Thing is, why is the cheerleader able to get married?  She should really be a YA, and they can't.  So Maxis presumably did not intend them to get married, but forgot to prevent them aging.

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 July 29, 05:13:02
Good point Zephy. If you break it down, the cheerleader would have to age from YA to adult in order to get married. Are they bigger when they're an adult? If so, how does the Llama suit fit? But actually, from memory they are the same size - YA and adults. Hence they can kiss properly.

Oh well. Guess you just gotta grow to love Llama suits Dusty.

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 29, 11:22:39
Yes, YAs and Adults have the same body, it's the face and voice that changes on maturity.  Just hope that this cheerleader wife will have normal kids!

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 July 29, 15:30:35
Just hope that this cheerleader wife will have normal kids!
What a hilarious picture I got on reading this.  Little cheerleaders coming out of plumbobs waving things and shouting "Gerbitz" or "Kerbitz" or whatever it is they shout.  Cheerleaders are an anathema to me, never did understand them.  No such thing where I come from, thank goodness.

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 29, 15:33:17
Cheerleaders are an anathema to me, never did understand them.  No such thing where I come from, thank goodness.
I'd have to agree. The theory goes that cheerleaders are supposed to improve the morale of your team, but I don't see how a team of women screeching like banshees is going to improve morale. Maybe if they screeched at the OPPOSING team, I could see this working, but otherwise, I don't see how bleeding eardrums and brain aneurysms helps your team at all.

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 July 29, 18:37:43
In that case, could you perhaps devise a way to prevent the spread of Cheerleaderitis around the rest of the world?

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: dizzy on 2005 July 29, 19:34:09
My sim married one of the cheerleaders, and whenever she visits another sim or appears downtown, she shows up in a lama outfit.  I gather this is to do with the game not properly realising she's no longer an NPC - is that right and is there anything that can be done about it?

Have you tried my casual NPC hack? I posted that somewhere on the MTS2 site.

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 July 29, 20:28:28
Is the llama outfit the "School Mascot" can't-see-the-face outfit, or the job outfit? Because sims wear their job outfits around a lot of the time when they're visiting peoples houses. Haven't figured out why, but that could be the cause if it's the job outfit. Otherwise, I have no clue.

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: scoob on 2005 July 29, 21:39:20
I think if you leave a lot while a sim is in their work outfit or school clothes that's how they will roam the neighborhood. That is until you go back in and they change their clothes again.

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: dusty on 2005 July 30, 01:11:40
Thanks for the help - I will see if I can find the casual NPC hack and see if it does anything.

It doesn't matter what I leave her in when I leave the lot, scoob, she still turns up elsewhere in the lama suit.  It's not that big a deal I guess, I will just avoid messing with the uni NPCs again. 

It's definitely the uni can't see the face mascot.  No one in that house is in the athletic career track (she's a criminal mastermind at the moment). 

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: SJActress on 2005 July 30, 03:19:16
I was a cheerleader...the fans loved us.  >:( >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Married a cheerleader who always dresses as lama
Post by: DuckSpeak on 2005 July 30, 04:58:54
I never got the point of an animal costume... How could you NOT walk into something and doom yourself into a big fireball that is visible from outer space? Not to mention all the heat inside of that heap of trash.