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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: jodysan on 2009 October 14, 18:21:15

Title: Children's Lips for Sims 3
Post by: jodysan on 2009 October 14, 18:21:15
 ??? Does anyone have a way to make new lips or modify the EA created ones? The child lips are different from all the other ages - they do not come together neatly at the outer edges. They just kind of smear together. Not good. One reason the children tend to look depressed much of the time.

Title: Re: Children's Lips for Sims 3
Post by: nanacake on 2009 October 15, 00:58:55
You can create a custom face texture for the children with new lips textured or create a new face mask/lipstick under makeup for overlay. Some people have already done new children faces with their skintones (look at Pudding Factory). There are custom lip makeup downloads but none that I know for children, this section isn't WCIF though so I can only answer your first question. You will need S3PE, DDS plugins for your photoshop client - MTS2 has a create section it is good to start there for tutorials.

Title: Re: Children's Lips for Sims 3
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 October 15, 01:42:14
??? Does anyone have a way to make new lips or modify the EA created ones? The child lips are different from all the other ages - they do not come together neatly at the outer edges. They just kind of smear together. Not good. One reason the children tend to look depressed much of the time.
Yeah, kids are like that. This is why they drool.

Title: Re: Children's Lips for Sims 3
Post by: Dragon Slave on 2009 October 15, 16:46:16

I see the "not coming together" but I'm lost on the smeared and depressed.  If you can tell it in this picture, then you might have some success editing the mesh directly, instead of trying to hide it by modifying the texture.  I don't know if it's possible at this point to create default replacements; but it's worth it to try.