More Awesome Than You!

TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Lion on 2009 October 09, 19:40:53

Title: Can't merge a teen to an apartment building
Post by: Lion on 2009 October 09, 19:40:53
So I need to move out some teens to make a living on their own and make room for more spawns. I split out this teen from her family, and then merged her to this apartment building where a teen is already living in. When the dialog panels came up, I selected her on the left, and clicked on the arrow to merge her to the other side, she couldn't be added over to the right.

What's the problem? Is there relationship requirement or bed requirement for merging households?

Title: Re: Can't merge a teen to an apartment building
Post by: coconnor on 2009 October 09, 19:44:05
Yes. AwesomeMod requires an adequate number of beds.

Title: Re: Can't merge a teen to an apartment building
Post by: Lion on 2009 October 09, 20:00:14
Well, That's not it. (There was only one double bed in the apartment building for the teen living there.) This worked: I split the teen and her father together out, merged them to the apartment building, and then split out the father and sent him home.

But why is this limitation? What if the parents died and there is no adult in the household?

Title: Re: Can't merge a teen to an apartment building
Post by: coconnor on 2009 October 09, 20:07:56
Not quite sure, but I do know that AwesomeMod requires an adequate number of beds.  Perhaps, if the Sim you are trying to merge into the apartment has no relationship with the teen living there, they will not occupy the same bed.  You should replace the double with two singles and see if it works.

Title: Re: Can't merge a teen to an apartment building
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 October 09, 20:45:20
Firstly, there's no such thing as an apartment building in TS3. Second, define "couldn't be added over to the right". In what way couldn't it be added? Was the sim simply grayed out, or did yellow warning symbol show up when you tried to do so? If so, what did the warning say? BE SPECIFIC!

Title: Re: Can't merge a teen to an apartment building
Post by: jrcaporal on 2009 October 10, 00:52:50
Firstly, there's no such thing as an apartment building in TS3.

My thoughts exactly.

Title: Re: Can't merge a teen to an apartment building
Post by: Lion on 2009 October 10, 03:22:52
Not quite sure, but I do know that AwesomeMod requires an adequate number of beds.  Perhaps, if the Sim you are trying to merge into the apartment has no relationship with the teen living there, they will not occupy the same bed.  You should replace the double with two singles and see if it works.

The bed is not the problem. When I merged the father-and-daughter to the "apartment" building, they were accepted, and that's three for two bed slots.

Firstly, there's no such thing as an apartment building in TS3. Second, define "couldn't be added over to the right". In what way couldn't it be added? Was the sim simply grayed out, or did yellow warning symbol show up when you tried to do so? If so, what did the warning say? BE SPECIFIC!

Step 1: Split the teen from her family.
Step 2: Place or merge her to the "apartment building", which is a residential lot with several apartment units and right now only one teen lives in it. This brings up the merge dialogue. The teen girl is on the left half of the dialogue, and the target household is on the right half.
Step 3: Select the girl on the left, and click the arrow pointing to the right to merge her with the target household. Here is where the problem is: her thumbnail does not move to the right half of the panel. Nothing is greyed out. Her thumbnail is clickable, the arrow is clickable, but her thumbnail is just not moving. There is no warnings of any kind.

1. Split the teen and her father from the family.
2. Merge them with the target household. Now her thumbnail will move to the right, and the merge will succeed. I can actually just merge her, and leave the father behind. After she is merged, I merge her father, who is still on the "clipboard", back to their family.

One caveat:
This operation drains the household fund of the target household ("the apartment building") down to zero. The father's fund is not changed. I just have to familyfunds the "apartment building" what it should be. (I also have the parents send $5000 to each teen living in the "apartment building".)

Title: Re: Can't merge a teen to an apartment building
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 October 10, 03:34:56
Steps taken to attempt reproduce:
1. Split 12 into seperate fambly.
2. Attempted to merge into random fambly: No problems.
3. Attempted to merge into fambly consisting of only a 12: No problems.

Verdict: Could not reproduce.

Title: Re: Can't merge a teen to an apartment building
Post by: Lion on 2009 October 10, 03:43:31
See! Thanks. //Diving into the downloads Mods folder.

Title: Re: Can't merge a teen to an apartment building
Post by: Lion on 2009 October 13, 18:17:40
Reporting back: the problem persists with no CC, and even with a new install. With new install and nothing added except for the framework and AM, a teen can be separated from the family, can be merged with a random family, but can not be merged with a lot with only a teen (or teens) living in. This is done in a separate neighborhood (brand new Sunset Valley). I'm at my wit's end. What else can I try?

Title: Re: Can't merge a teen to an apartment building
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 October 14, 05:18:39
Cannot reproduce this issue: I tried your exact case, nothing happened.