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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: garberdog on 2009 October 03, 16:56:31

Title: Is there a Sims 3 'Insimenator like mod available?
Post by: garberdog on 2009 October 03, 16:56:31
Dear Sirs, Madames, etc.,
 I would like to know if there perhaps exists a mod similar to the 'Insimenator' for the sims 3?
Truthfully, I only need a 'Terminate pregnancy' mod.
Any help wold be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance!  :)

Title: Re: Is there a Sims 3 'Insimenator like mod available?
Post by: socurious on 2009 October 03, 17:12:42
You're seriously asking about the kitten-killer mod here?  You are really asking to be sporked.  Why would you ask here, instead of at the site from where the mod originated?  Try there.

Title: Re: Is there a Sims 3 'Insimenator like mod available?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 October 03, 17:20:41
Truthfully, I only need a 'Terminate pregnancy' mod.
AwesomeMod has this as a console command, "falconpunch".

Title: Re: Is there a Sims 3 'Insimenator like mod available?
Post by: Ambular on 2009 October 03, 20:50:26
You're seriously asking about the kitten-killer mod here?  You are really asking to be sporked.  Why would you ask here, instead of at the site from where the mod originated?  Try there.

For the record, the OP asked about the Insimenator, not the Inteenimator (which is the Kitten Killer.)  Although I'm not actually certain which of those two mods (possibly both) included the feature (s)he wants.

Title: Re: Is there a Sims 3 'Insimenator like mod available?
Post by: Xebarsis on 2009 October 04, 06:45:46
Here's what it says directly from the Insimenator forums:

There will not be an Insimenator Mod for the The Sims 3.,107053.0.html

Title: Re: Is there a Sims 3 'Insimenator like mod available?
Post by: myskaal on 2009 October 04, 17:43:51
Funny, I was just thinking that the NRAAS Supercomputer is shaping up nicely as a sort of insiminator type mod... without the crap.

Title: Re: Is there a Sims 3 'Insimenator like mod available?
Post by: Darksmurf on 2009 October 04, 17:44:34
Dear Sirs, Madames, etc.,
 I would like to know if there perhaps exists a mod similar to the 'Insimenator' for the sims 3?
Truthfully, I only need a 'Terminate pregnancy' mod.
Any help wold be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance!  :) (
That should be suitable for now.

Title: Re: Is there a Sims 3 'Insimenator like mod available?
Post by: LVRugger on 2009 October 05, 08:07:52
Buzzler's mirror (see the pudding factory) has a function to terminate pregnancy called "extract stuck chicken." It gives you a list of all pregnant sims in your town, so if you aren't sure who is pregnant but want to reduce the incidence of childbirth, it works well.