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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Inge on 2005 November 26, 16:40:49

Title: Less whiny?
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 26, 16:40:49
Did Pescado's Less Whiny ever get fixed for NL?  I can't see it at all now.   I need it!

Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 26, 16:46:33
I don't think he's fixed it yet Inge. The new feature that drives me absolutely batty is that everyone heads straight for the coffin, all except the actual vampire. Stupid whiny, bed snagging sims.

Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: cheriem on 2005 November 26, 17:23:18
He has a new one that does this.  It's called "Don't wave at me."

Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 26, 17:52:35
I don't get the impression that's the same thing.  Less Whiney changed the level at which they started whining.  My lesswhiny (I can't remember what they called it) stopped them warning about motives altogether until they were on the verge of failure.  This one I think just stops them facing the camera and doing asides at the player.  Presumable they are still allowed to waste their time and everyone else's by doing all the other whiny bits.

Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 26, 17:54:56
Yes, I have the 'don't wave at me' and it doesn't stop them from stomping and hissy-fitting at other things, such as blockages for instance. Nevermind that most of the blockages are strictly intentional on my part.

Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 26, 21:13:47
Yes, I have the 'don't wave at me' and it doesn't stop them from stomping and hissy-fitting at other things, such as blockages for instance. Nevermind that most of the blockages are strictly intentional on my part.
You're thinking about No Route Fail. That's the one you want for the anti-stomping.

Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 26, 21:32:33
You're thinking about No Route Fail. That's the one you want for the anti-stomping.

I must be. I'll go get it now, although I thought I had it. I just got NL installed, so I'm still feeling my way around. Thank you JM.

Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 26, 23:47:33
You're thinking about No Route Fail. That's the one you want for the anti-stomping.

It doesn't seem to work for me, at least it's not working on those god damned sectionals but I don't know if it's because they are a new object that wasn't around when you made that hack or NL in general just fubared it. :P

Supposedly, Crammyboy made a NL update of Pescado's lesswhiny and it's buried somewhere in the Podium here attached to a reply. It didn't seem to work for me though. It didn't remove their free will like the uni version does in NL, it just didn't seem to do anything.

At the risk of being a whiner myself, I wish lesswhiny and noroutefail would get fixed soon because part of the reason for my Simpotence is their incessant whining which drives me up the wall! I had my hacks all set so they never uttered a peep of compaint with Uni installed but NL went and fucked it all up.  >:(

Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 November 26, 23:50:10
There seems to be a lesswhiny update available here ( *shrugs* I haven't tested it myself, but the timestamp is from today.


Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 26, 23:50:48
Oh lol that's what I get for posting before I look. But he did sneak it in today without a post about it. :p

Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 November 27, 00:00:46
He actually snuck it past us in the make them stop crying thread. I been updating hacks and toying around with SimPE today. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have noticed these. :P

I should soooo be grading papers, but I have been so lazy this past week and I'm doing just about everything else to avoid work.  ::)


It should be. Anythng you see in the NL list ( is either updated or doesn't need to be (in which case it is symlinked to the old version).

Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 27, 00:01:09
Oh it's in there is it...  Thanks :)

Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 27, 01:45:23
Hey, there seems to be a whole bunch of new hacks.

& skillinator

Thanks for the heads-up, syberspunk *snogs him silly*  ;D

Title: Re: Less whiny?
Post by: vector on 2005 November 27, 11:35:36
Hey, there seems to be a whole bunch of new hacks.


Hooray for the bearded fisherman!