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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ness on 2005 November 26, 10:39:16

Title: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: Ness on 2005 November 26, 10:39:16
ok...  I guess this is a hack causing it, but I could use some idea of which one it is...

basically, the unplayable dormies keep wandering into my sims rooms and sleeping in their beds - most annoying!  apart from that, if I lock all the doors, they have a tendency to pass out in bathrooms or on portals.

Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: vector on 2005 November 26, 10:53:06
It's Pescado's No uni invulnerability hack that does it. ;)

Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: Ness on 2005 November 26, 11:00:34
urgh...  right!

as much as I like the idea of dormies being able to be killed, I very much prefer to have them out of my beds, and when I've got dormies falling asleep in their food while trailing great green clouds of stink...  I really think it must go!

Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: vector on 2005 November 26, 11:24:13
Heh. I kinda like it. If they go to sleep in my room, I move a noisy stereo in with them until they get up, then lock my door. I've also made a little cell out of one room in the dorm that they all claim as their own, then just stuck normal, non-lockable doors on all the rooms so they can sleep there.

Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 26, 11:27:41
Well, I could re-lock their energy so they don't keep trying to sleep in your beds, but what's wrong with having them passed out on the floor? Besides, you can lock all your doors, right? Wouldn't be much point in having locking doors if not to keep them out of your room.

Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 November 26, 13:28:47
Well, this answered my question posted elsewhere.

I locked my sims' doors to keep them out of my sims' beds.  Then had one male dormie who thought the hot tub was a bed, I guess.  He kept getting in, right back out, then right back in, over and over.  Must have been high in outgoing 'cause he swished into da nude when he got in the tub, then back into clothes when he got out.  All the time he was doing this he was thinking about a bed.  He finally passed out beside the tub for awhile, then woke up and went up to his room.

Love to watch the dormies suffer!  But yeah, keep your sims' doors locked.

Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: kewian on 2005 November 26, 17:41:00
I think the main thing is to have all the dormies pee stink and pass out all over the place... I just lock the doors.

Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: Ness on 2005 November 26, 22:02:48
ok, I really think this hack isn't for me...

it's not that watching dormies pass out and pee themselves isn't fun, it's just that having them pass out in bathrooms when your own sims are nearing desperation is damned inconvenient!

I like the little 5 room maxis dorm, so there isn't really any using bathrooms once someone has passed out in there.  Although, "make all happy" on the letterbox works on the dormies as well, that's about the only way I can actually get my beds and bathrooms cleared at the moment.

Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 26, 22:17:35
it's not that watching dormies pass out and pee themselves isn't fun, it's just that having them pass out in bathrooms when your own sims are nearing desperation is damned inconvenient!
In Soviet Russia, bathroom uses YOU! It will greatly cut down the loitering in the bathroom.

Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 November 26, 23:43:19
Just curious but, does this mean that dormies no longer go into their own rooms?

And just wondering, do the dormies still enter a sort of statsis where their needs are frozen when they do dissappear into their own dorm rooms?

I don't mind if dormies pass out or whatever. But... they should still try to go into their own rooms. It would be kinda dumb if they only always try to sleep in the playable/selectable sims beds. If they are tired, they should go into their own dorm rooms. :P


Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 27, 00:32:17
What do you want to bet there are no beds in dormies rooms in lots of people's games? ;) (mine included).

Though it might just be that the beds in the playable sims rooms are lots nicer.

Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: Ness on 2005 November 27, 00:33:23
they do go into their own rooms, but they don't sleep in those beds - they seem to prefer jumping into a playable sims bed to anything else - I haven't seen the sleeping thought bubbles come out of their rooms recently, either.

Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 November 27, 00:41:54
In my game they'll only sleep in their beds if I take them out of the rooms.  Am trying to find a way of getting them to sleep in them in the rooms, but no luck so far.  The only way I can think of is to unlock my own Sims' doors so the dormies sleep in their rooms and they sleep in the dormies' rooms.  Seems ridiculous, but it would probably work.  Only trouble is, with Inge's reservable beds hack in, my Sims are going to go crazy when their beds are occupied and start flinging their arms around everywhere and all that palaver.  Might be better than the lawn ornaments I have at the moment, though.

Title: Re: get that dormie out of my bed!
Post by: Kestran on 2005 November 27, 14:53:59
I don't have Pescado's dormie hack but I always have to lock my students rooms because if I don't all the dormies living in the dorm gather into her/his room and start playing on the computer, or invade the bookcase and every single chair/sofa/loveseat in the room. And also the floor via the hang out thing.

One of my students once had 4 dormies + one teacher gathered in her room and her room really wasn't that big.