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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: LynnMar on 2005 November 25, 22:53:36

Title: phone jumping bug
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 November 25, 22:53:36
I have a phone jumping bug in one of my houses,  they can call out on the cellphones but none of them can use the regular phone, not even the kids.   I went to two other houses and they do not have the jumping phone bug.

I have not added any new hacks since the last time I played a couple of days ago,  I did download some of the Christmas stuff from the exchange but if it was a download  causing it,  it would affect every lot right??

I don't know what to do now,  should I move them out and back in?   What do you all think I should do?   thanks   ;D

the only phone hack I have in my game is JMs'

Title: Re: phone jumping bug
Post by: florican on 2005 November 26, 01:41:11
I'm afraid I can't actually give you a solution, but I wondered if you were having the same problem with the phones as I am.

My problem only occurs when a Sim tries to invite someone over. They dial, I choose the Sim they want to invite, they start the invitation, but then suddenly the phone is hung up and they just stand in front of the phone. Just like the jump bug with the original Sims 2.  It doesn't happen all the time, and usually if I try the invite again straight away I can often get it to work, though sometimes it takes two or three more tries. They have no problem at all when they use the phone to chat.

I've had the problem for some time but I haven't seen anyone else mention it. I know it's nothing to do with JM's marvelous phone hack because I had the problem long before I installed it. This is all on a custom neighborhood.

Title: Re: phone jumping bug
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 26, 01:58:01
I blame DMA.

Title: Re: phone jumping bug
Post by: florican on 2005 November 26, 02:07:02
I blame DMA.

As in DMA Worker and Woohoo NPCs? I do have them installed.

Title: Re: phone jumping bug
Post by: speedreader on 2005 November 26, 02:45:08
My problem only occurs when a Sim tries to invite someone over. They dial, I choose the Sim they want to invite, they start the invitation, but then suddenly the phone is hung up and they just stand in front of the phone. Just like the jump bug with the original Sims 2.  It doesn't happen all the time, and usually if I try the invite again straight away I can often get it to work, though sometimes it takes two or three more tries. They have no problem at all when they use the phone to chat.

I have this problem also.  Funny, the cellphones work fine - I haven't had this problem.  This problem began after I installed NL, but before I had moved JM's phone hack back in, so I can also vouch for it not being a hack issue.

Title: Re: phone jumping bug
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 November 26, 16:05:01
No mine could not even call a service or chat.   I just moved them out and moved them back in and they are fine now.  Lordy,  NL is buggy.   >:(

I don't have the DMA, my daughter has it but she only has the sims2 with no ex-packs and she loves that stupid DMA.   I told her JMs' phone hack was better.    ;D   

Title: Re: phone jumping bug
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 26, 16:07:08
I thought the Danny's DMA things weren't global hacks. If they're object-based, they shouldn't be interferring, yes? Or is this something else?

Title: Re: phone jumping bug
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 November 26, 23:00:01
I think it is a maxi bug.   I downloaded the new miscellaneous NL DMA that works thru the phone and have been testing it this evening and it does not interfere with JMs' phone hack or cause sims to jump. 
 Plus it is the funniest thing I have ever downloaded,  you can call the police and they will handcuff and arrest the NPC mascots, the gypsy and a even Miss C.

here they are taking away a cow
[img][              /img]

you can also call a hitman to kill a sim but it cost 50,000 and I didn't get a tombstone,it just said that he had died on another lot. 

Title: Re: phone jumping bug
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 27, 05:21:04
I downloaded these but have been building, not playing so haven't played with 'em yet. I'm glad to hear they work well and are fun :)

eep - no tombstone? I guess the only reason to do that is to *really* want them to go away.