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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Witches on 2005 November 25, 20:16:44

Title: College sims trapped on lot
Post by: Witches on 2005 November 25, 20:16:44
Apologies if this has been covered.

Since getting NL and hence, cars, I have discovered that occasionally I can't use my car, or call for a cab, to leave a lot while at university. My sims are essentially trapped. This is not a permanent problem; the next night, I can leave again.

This happens while other sims are at final exams, which I suppose makes sense: is it because the game can only handle so much?

But it happens other times too, which is vexing because I try to have my vampires extend their nights so their exams happen before the sun comes up. They can leave once a night, it seems, and then no more.

Anyway, strange, and thought I'd share.

Has this happened to anyone else? Anyone know why?

Title: Re: College sims trapped on lot
Post by: Emma on 2005 November 27, 13:44:15
It hasn't happened to me-but I hate to see a topic without any replies...I hope someone will be along soon to help you :)

Title: Re: College sims trapped on lot
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 27, 22:44:44
Does it only happen to sims a) at university and b) who have cars?

I don't know why it's happening either, but perhaps some more information might shed light - or at least persuade one of the More Awesome people to have a check in the code.

Forget I said anything. Just seen the bit about final exams. Yeah, it's not possible for other sims to leave the lot, except for class, while another sim from that household is at their final exam. I cannot find the thread where this was discussed, but it is intentional, not a bug. It's something to do with the fact that time is not synchronised properly on community lots, and that the sim who's taking the exam has to return to the house to transition to the next semester.

Title: Re: College sims trapped on lot
Post by: Witches on 2005 November 29, 15:27:38
I've played a few other lots since with no problems. I think it's just that lot. It's the sorority at sim state, which not only has cars but vampires ... beginning to think that lot is buggy, possibly because of the NL elements I've introduced.

Anyway, thanks for trying to help.