More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: flowerchile on 2005 November 25, 09:54:45

Title: what is simpe
Post by: flowerchile on 2005 November 25, 09:54:45
as the title says, what is simpe?

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: nectere on 2005 November 25, 10:00:15

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: flowerchile on 2005 November 25, 10:09:24
Thank you once again..By the way, do you really look like that?  Maybe you need Dr Vu's Plastic surgery machine!

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 25, 10:42:30
Perhaps a more vexing question is, do I really look like this?

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: nectere on 2005 November 25, 10:45:28
Inge you are sooo smokin hot!

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 25, 13:10:11
Perhaps a more vexing question is, do I really look like this?

It would be so cool if you did... 

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 25, 14:20:20
Well I'm not far off it :D

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 25, 14:33:23
Well she looks like a sweet old gran.  :) Maybe you should have used that avatar before. I've raised hell a few times and wondered why no one said anything back and had people tell me they thought I was an old lady and couldn't get nasty with an old lady! LOL I wonder if Wintermute would have been as nasty to you with that avatar. ;)

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 25, 14:56:46
Lol - it's true, I have even started thinking of it as me!  I can't help being influenced by people's avatars even though I am well aware they are rarely self-portratits

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 25, 15:29:19
I wonder if Wintermute would have been as nasty to you with that avatar. ;)

Probably. I'd also assumed he was a teenager and that post seemed to confirm it, imagine my shock to discover this not to be so. Anyone in their 30's who would lash out like that is uh.. not going to be prevented just because it's a 'sweet old gran' type.

Lol - it's true, I have even started thinking of it as me!  I can't help being influenced by people's avatars even though I am well aware they are rarely self-portratits

I do that too, people represent themselves through avatars so I suppose I subconsciously expect them to be whatever I associate that to.
I realize it's an inaccurate way to go about it, (if I didn't get occasional pms asking me how I got mine, I would forget which glitch pic I'd used) but I don't know what anyone really looks like and it doesn't matter, so...


Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 25, 16:52:51
Well she looks like a sweet old gran.  :) Maybe you should have used that avatar before. I've raised hell a few times and wondered why no one said anything back and had people tell me they thought I was an old lady and couldn't get nasty with an old lady! LOL I wonder if Wintermute would have been as nasty to you with that avatar. ;)
I admit I did that with you Motoki when I saw your "Nanny Avatars" I originally envisioned you as a cranky old lady :o

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 25, 16:57:12

I realize it's an innacurate way to go about it, (if I didn't get occasional pms asking me how I got mine, I would forget which glitch pic I'd used) but I don't know what anyone really looks like and it doesn't matter, so...

I had a glitch like your avatar recently, Zeljka. It was when my toddler transitioned into a child. The parent was still  holding him like he was a toddler.

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 25, 17:07:36
I realize it's an innacurate way to go about it, (if I didn't get occasional pms asking me how I got mine, I would forget which glitch pic I'd used) but I don't know what anyone really looks like and it doesn't matter, so...

What people want to be, how they envision themselves, how they portray themselves, is more interesting than what they actually are.

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 25, 17:11:50
Perhaps a more vexing question is, do I really look like this?

Inge, I have always pictured you with impossibly long blonde blonde hair, standing next to a blue shrub.   :)

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 25, 17:30:09
Oops!  No way!  There is a real picture of me somewhere at MTS2, for the more patient (or bored) souls to try and find :D

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: nectere on 2005 November 25, 18:25:22
I can only image what people must think I look like then...

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 25, 18:31:19
 :o :o

I always thought of you as a man for some reason, I don't know why.  I know you're not now, though.   ;)

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 25, 18:49:11
I can only image what people must think I look like then...
certainly not your Avatar ;D

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 25, 18:59:24
What people want to be, how they envision themselves, how they portray themselves, is more interesting than what they actually are.

I totally agree, (though for the record, a purple haired teen holding a green child was never intended to represent me, just my screwy game)

I can only image what people must think I look like then...
certainly not your Avatar ;D

I don't try to picture what people here may look like. To me, they all look like avatars so I find it really confusing when a lot of people decide to change theirs at the same time.

*Except Brynne of course, doesn't matter how many times I see the self sim or even pictures, I will always think of Brynne as the guy with twins popping out of his hips avatar (though I always knew 'Brynne is a girl')  just as I will always think of Motoki's peeing nanny avatar.

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: sabra on 2005 November 25, 23:01:06
Inge, it's good to see you--I'd thought you'd gone A.W.O.L. :'(

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 25, 23:20:50
Sabra, I am just a bit quiet at the moment because I am having major struggles at my prison.  Escape isn't working quite right yet :D

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: witch on 2005 November 26, 01:11:17
Sabra, I am just a bit quiet at the moment because I am having major struggles at my prison.  Escape isn't working quite right yet :D

And we do want 'escape' to work, don't we?!?   :D

A real life scenario in New Zealand about 10 years ago - a prisoner broke his leg climbing over a wall escaping from prison - he got awarded accident compensation!!

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 26, 01:15:40
Sabra, I am just a bit quiet at the moment because I am having major struggles at my prison.  Escape isn't working quite right yet :D

And we do want 'escape' to work, don't we?!?   :D

A real life scenario in New Zealand about 10 years ago - a prisoner broke his leg climbing over a wall escaping from prison - he got awarded accident compensation!!
yikes! now that's unreal and belongs in a strange but true story :o

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 27, 00:05:09
What people want to be, how they envision themselves, how they portray themselves, is more interesting than what they actually are.

Interesting, so perhaps I am really a crabby, ugly old woman in her 80s with a bladder control problem in the body of a 33 year old man.  ;D

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: witch on 2005 November 27, 00:55:45
Have you noticd lots of puddles round the house lately?  :P

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 November 27, 01:11:45
This conversation is quickly becoming surreal. Though, if one had to take a random guess, one could do considerably worse than "robotic baby harp seal" for general me-ness.

I do tend to associate people with their avatars, though. Mainly just as a mental tag. So it takes a bit of getting used to one someone changes theirs, and when two people use the same one I always tend to get them mixed up.

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: witch on 2005 November 27, 01:15:16
Oh I don't know about avatars representing oneself, I'm in two minds about that...

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 27, 01:18:49
LOL!  :D

I don't know about the avatars thing either, except of course when I use my tattoos one.  That one is representative.

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: resmc on 2005 November 27, 01:26:09
Avatars are becomming fashion-statements.
Mine doesn't look anything like me. I just thought it looked cool.
Blue, your avatar looks like to me like Angelina Jolie dressed up as a blue fairie. ;)

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 27, 01:26:55
Is it Angelina Jolie?  I never knew, I got it off an avatar site.  :P

When I change it though, Pescado tells me to change it back.  :-\

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 27, 01:54:18
Is it Angelina Jolie?  I never knew, I got it off an avatar site.  :P

When I change it though, Pescado tells me to change it back.  :-\
cant win for losing huh?

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: witch on 2005 November 27, 03:08:53
Is it Angelina Jolie?  I never knew, I got it off an avatar site.  :P

When I change it though, Pescado tells me to change it back.  :-\

Who knew the old bastard had a penchant for blue fairies. Well well well, a very small icicle melt in the heart did it JM?  :P

Title: Re: what is simpe
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 27, 06:15:31
Being a nothing works out well for me, most of the time :)