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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: shadow on 2009 August 29, 00:40:47

Title: Work performance issue
Post by: shadow on 2009 August 29, 00:40:47
I have searched but didn't find my exact problem. I keep getting "Joe better improve his work performance or he will face disciplinary action" or some similar wording. Anyway, he just got the job and it says he has 1 day and 3 hours (approx) before he's even supposed to go to work.  Why is this?  I have had the same thing happen with a child who just aged from toddler after school started (say 10:00 am or so) and they get a warning about skipping school and failing grades.  ???

Title: Re: Work performance issue
Post by: chaos on 2009 August 29, 00:59:23
This happens when your sims get jobs during normal work hours. It's harmless. If it bothers you that much, have your sim quit the job and then reapply for it either before or after normal working hours. Same thing with children and school. Aging them up either before or after school will prevent the bad performance popups. Honestly, this is really just common sense. Duh!

Title: Re: Work performance issue
Post by: shadow on 2009 August 29, 01:57:25
Common sense to you, maybe, but it doesn't make sense to me to have poor job or school performance when you haven't even been there yet regardless of when you get the job or age up!  This only makes sense in EA's world. Anyway, thanks for replying.