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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 24, 21:49:24

Title: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 24, 21:49:24
I have taken a few pictures of various things in my neighbourhood, and rather than deleting them one-by-one in the story editor, I was wondering if I can just go into the storytelling folder and delete them that way?

I mean, I'm sure it can probably be done, but does it have any adverse side effects in the game?

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: Nihale on 2005 November 24, 21:53:31
It works fine, provided you delete the thumbnails as well. (and also provided that they're not in the neighbourhood story at all. I think.)

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 24, 21:55:24
You can safely do it that way, you will need to delete both thumbnail and jpg file (when you do it ingame it deletes both automatically).  Just be careful about what you delete since the thumbnail of the family picture you have in the neighborhood are saved in that folder too (you know the loading family picture when you clic on a lot and load it).  Just make sure you don't delete those.

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 24, 22:05:26
OK cool, thanks guys.  :)

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 24, 22:17:22
You can safely do it that way, you will need to delete both thumbnail and jpg file (when you do it ingame it deletes both automatically).  Just be careful about what you delete since the thumbnail of the family picture you have in the neighborhood are saved in that folder too (you know the loading family picture when you clic on a lot and load it).  Just make sure you don't delete those.
I delete thumbnails all the time the game takes a snapshot of all the families in the neighborhood and a thumbnail. you can safely delete the thumbnails of the family but dont delete the snapshot.its the snapshot the game goes by when loading the family not the thumbnail.
  I have a house with 12 sims in it there were 15 but 3 teens just left for SSU and the family dynamics are changing constantly as Family members get married and babies are born into the family etc.... as a result I never get the same loading screen twice for the family.
  My Brynne Sim Married  the pixelated  hottie Justin in my game last night so this morning when I open the game and go to load the house  on the loading Screen is Justin,Val(Brynne) Joe,Jude ,Jory,Josh,Maria,Joel,Jordan, and Denise. the prior loading screen didnt have Justins sons instead it had  two of his brothers and his daughters.
   I never Know who will pop up on the loading screen for that house.its different every time

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 24, 22:20:58
So, don't delete any of the snapshots?

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 24, 22:36:52
So, don't delete any of the snapshots?
not from the story telling folder  . inside the  game in story editor its fine but not in the folder in the  My  Documents EA Games folder

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 24, 22:56:58
here is the family Icons of my Huge family that includes Brynne.hence why my loading screen is subjct to change

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: Jewel on 2005 November 25, 00:53:08
here is the family Icons of my Huge family that includes Brynne.hence why my loading screen is subjct to change

How do you get that many sims in one house?  And why?  I am ripping my hair out with two parents and two kids and you have 12!

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 25, 01:17:44
when I took that Photo there were 15 living in the house currently there are 12 in the house as full time resident's Justin's 3 teen son's left for  SSU this morning and are now YA's. however as I stated poplation in the house as full time residents is alway's subject to change and one of the ladies in the family Panel is now pregnant with twins which will push the population in the house to 14 when they are born in a few days.
  I have a Hack that alows for more than 8 sims to live on a's called lot full of sims from MTS2. I teleport the sim I want to add to the house with inge's bush and have a family member propose move in.
   I enjoy playing this house  immensely  They are my main Family in the neeighborhood.all other families not related to this family exist as supporting  families to keep intermarriage from occurring at present this family cosists of three households containing 21 family members total. and 2 house holds where the mistress's of the Patriarch Romance sim . . the Misstress's are Bella Goth and Brandi Broke who have a total of 5 children in my hood from the Patriarch.

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 25, 01:58:21
Thanks Bangelnuts for that update, I was at work when I wrote that message and completely forgot about the snapshot files.  I did not knew though that we could safely delete the thumbnail of the families it is nice to know.

Nice someone was here to correct me.

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 25, 02:05:06
Thanks Bangelnuts for that update, I was at work when I wrote that message and completely forgot about the snapshot files.  I did not knew though that we could safely delete the thumbnail of the families it is nice to know.

Nice someone was here to correct me.
your'e welcome

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 25, 02:58:06
You know... I delete pics from the storytelling folder that I don't use all the time.  I've never had a problem with it. Then again, I rarely use the storytelling features... usually I take pics of sims for avatars, or items I've made.  None of those stay in the game files.
I've never had any problems.

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 25, 03:09:24
You know... I delete pics from the storytelling folder that I don't use all the time.  I've never had a problem with it. Then again, I rarely use the storytelling features... usually I take pics of sims for avatars, or items I've made.  None of those stay in the game files.
I've never had any problems.
the  snapshots that are crucial are the ones  the game takes of each playable family not the ones we take.

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 25, 03:53:45
Right... I never touch those.  Too much turkey I think dulls the brain... LOL

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 25, 04:35:30
Right... I never touch those.  Too much turkey I think dulls the brain... LOL
;D I think your right my brain is pretty dull right now

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 25, 04:49:41
Hearing everyone talk about turkey makes me want some...

*goes back to her chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwich*


Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 25, 04:52:26
Hearing everyone talk about turkey makes me want some...

*goes back to her chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwich*

aah I love grilled cheese sandwiches .But I wouldnt want the grilled cheese aspiration ;D

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 25, 05:23:00
Heh.  I'm not even supposed to be eating cheese - I'm lactose intolerant, but screw it. I'll worry about it tomorrow.

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 25, 05:34:41
Lasagna last night and grilled cheese tonight? And you're lactose intolerant?

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 25, 05:57:46

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: JadeEliott on 2005 November 25, 18:20:02
I don't even use the snapshot feature anymore. I use Gadwin Print Screen, a fantastic program.


GadwinPrintScreen is the best FREE capture program out there:

The best parts:

You can save to jpg, the best pic format, IMHO.

You use the rectangle feature to only take pics of a certain area, allowing you to cut out the red box that shows you are on pause or queued up actions.

You can tell it which folder to save your pics to.

It is small and runs in the system tray.

It allows you to save a pic as a certain size.

It also shows you the pic you have taken BEFORE it saves it so you can make sure you like it. You can turn this feature off.

You can tell it to save the file with a certain name, and add the date/time/etc. So my pics are saved by Family NameFirstInitial-Date-number  Or PoindexterB-09-25-05-001 or PoindexterB-09-25-05-002 if it is the second pic taken, etc.

You can tell it to automatically open the pic with a certain image editing program you specify.

BUT you need to play in windowed mode for the program to work best.


Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 25, 18:57:29
Oh cool tip.  Thank you.

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: witch on 2005 November 25, 22:52:24
I usually use Paint Shop Pro for screen captures, but I'll certainly give this one a try.

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 26, 00:33:30
the  snapshots that are crucial are the ones  the game takes of each playable family not the ones we take.

Right. And those ones aren't in the Storytelling folder.

As far as I know, you can delete whatever you like from the Storytelling folders without a problem - even while the game is running. I much prefer this to deleting photos from the internal story editor, because that is buggy once you have more than one "page" of photos. Far too many times I've had a photo on the screen - up on the viewer AND also highlighted, hit "delete", confirmed it - and a completely different photo has been deleted. It's much safer to delete it myself in Windows Explorer, where there is also the Recycle Bin as backup if I'm having a stupid moment :D.

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 26, 00:55:27
I much prefer this to deleting photos from the internal story editor, because that is buggy once you have more than one "page" of photos. Far too many times I've had a photo on the screen - up on the viewer AND also highlighted, hit "delete", confirmed it - and a completely different photo has been deleted.

I had that happen too, and I totally though it was me being dumb or something.  Should've known it was the game being stupid.

Title: Re: Deleting pictures from the neighbourhood
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 31, 18:53:56
Sorry to drag this thread up from the dead, but I'm posting because someone deleted their snapshots and thumbnails from the storytelling folder, and then was unable to load the any of the lots in the neighbourhood afterwards.  Is it because the snapshots were associated to families/lots, and is there any way to fix this?