More Awesome Than You!

TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Milan on 2009 August 19, 01:07:42

Title: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: Milan on 2009 August 19, 01:07:42

Tested on a completely clean, newly installed game. No custom anything from store or otherwise.
No patches
If you press random (dice) in Cas the adult male displays are all normal.
Add Patch
If you press random button in Cas, many adult male (adult males only) have heads and an invisible body.


to help me s' you like it. J' have the same problem considering here

( (

I cannot to me servire of the MOD AwesomeMod because the play remains blocked on the invisible sim

thank you for m' to help afflicted I do not speak much l' English


Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: Kyna on 2009 August 19, 01:34:48
As you've noted: the recent patches (1.3 and 1.4) added this bug to the game.  It seems to be connected with an adult male one-piece outfit.  YA males are not affected.

I don't know if there is a fix for this bug, but there is a workaround - try dressing the sim in two-piece clothing (i.e. separate top & trousers).

Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: Motoki on 2009 August 19, 01:42:55
It's a known bug in the patch. Actually comes from EA accidentally leaving in a reference to a "Gellabiya", an arabic robe, that's in World Adventures.


Since the rest of us outside EA land obviously don't have World Adventures, we don't have the mesh it's referencing and hence it comes up invisible.

Pescado fixed this in Awesomemod, however if you are using the very latest version of Awesomemod and still getting this then report it to him. It should be squelched already though. It is squelched. I just checked. Awesomemod fixes this. Case closed.

Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: Milan on 2009 August 19, 01:52:28
As you've noted: the recent patches (1.3 and 1.4) added this bug to the game.  It seems to be connected with an adult male one-piece outfit.  YA males are not affected.

I don't know if there is a fix for this bug, but there is a workaround - try dressing the sim in two-piece clothing (i.e. separate top & trousers).

Ok! thank you very much Kyna

 I thought that came from my play!
yes that goes with another trousers and a jacket!

Why does EA make patch with bugs  ???

Pescado fixed this in Awesomemod, however if you are using the very latest version of Awesomemod and still getting this then report it to him. It should be squelched already though.

yes c' is well with the last update of the patch!

I will inform Pescado of it now. thank you Motoki

Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: Motoki on 2009 August 19, 02:21:48
No that is NOT what I said. I said IF YOU ARE USING THE LATEST VERSION OF AWESOMEMOD and still getting this problem.

I was trying not to have to load the damned game but obviously I had to anyway.  ::) I knew I shouldn't have mentioned that.

Well I just loaded up the game with the very latest version of awesomemod and rolled a random adult male A LOT of times and no invisibles so it's fixed.

DO NOT waste his time with bogus bug reports for something that has already been fixed!  >:(

Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: Milan on 2009 August 19, 03:04:52
j' use well to it last version AWESOMEMOD and j' always the problem obtains  :-[

Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: Gastfyr on 2009 August 19, 03:09:37
j' use well to it last version AWESOMEMOD and j' always the problem obtains  :-[
Are you *sure* you have the latest awesomemod?  I have one I downloaded this morning and as of last time I checked by downloading again and checking the timestamps it was the newest.  It is possible he has updated again since I last checked.

Please be advised that Pescado does NOT always post in the thread when he updates the mod.

Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: Mootilda on 2009 August 19, 03:30:43
The time stamps here will tell you whether AwesomeMod has been updated:

Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: Milan on 2009 August 19, 04:11:48
yes I am on because j' reinstalled my play this night and jai placed the MOD awesomemod around 3 hours of the matin*

j" stays content because Mr Pescado had made the new update

*(France time)

Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: Gastfyr on 2009 August 19, 06:29:14
The time stamps here will tell you whether AwesomeMod has been updated:
Fine, so you're more awesome than me.  But my method worked too.   :P

Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: dedust on 2009 August 20, 01:39:17
I'm stuck with this bug now. The game had randomly created a kid with only one parent in the Langerak family, with no first name. He also seemed to have some issues with his hands, as they were stuck behind his back most of the time. He could use them normally, usually one hand behind his back, but eventually both hands were there. Anyway, I thought I'd give him a first name with AM, tried to edit him in CAS, but there was no basic tab to change his name (/gender/fatness/etc) with. There was just an empty space there. Also he had only 2 hair options, both custom, neither showing. Outfit was ok.

I switched over to the Langerak family, gave him a proper name with the rename command. Couldn't edit his hair at all (still only 2 custom no-show hairs there), so I aged him to a teen. Now he's only a floating face, with no outfit options. There's no tabs except the accessories tab showing, with only one custom wristband - which is no use, since he's only a face. 2 hair options,  2 eyebrow options, hair not showing properly as it's custom and I'm on a Mac. Also no basic tab in CAS.

Gahh. Resetting him doesn't work, resetting his textures neither. I don't really want to kill him off just yet.
I also have one elder female with the same issue, got her pregnant by accident with AM (had no idea they're not supposed to get pregnant, SRSLY), now she's a face too. She has hands and feet though, and a strange urge to swim. Also she's constantly in labor but can't go to the hospital because she's not supposed to. All she can do really is swim ???

Any ideas here? These two sims are not really that important to me, but it would be useful to get this mess sorted out. I could take the custom hairs out, but they do show properly sometimes. It's just the incompatible Langerak kid that's messing up my game.

Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: Motoki on 2009 August 20, 04:03:58
That is not the same bug. This bug only occurs in adult males (not young adult) who end up getting randomly assigned the World Adventures gellabiya but the mesh doesn't exist yet outside of EA.

I'm not sure what to do with your borked sim but if you really don't care about him you can always nuke him. :P

Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: chaos on 2009 August 20, 09:17:52
That's what I would do. Kill off the mutants. Srsly.

Title: Re: Big bug CAS randomly generate Male invisible
Post by: Cathy on 2009 August 20, 22:23:05
I just read this and gosh! Can't EA do anything right? They made a patch to correct the previous patch and now what? a newest patch to correct the new patch???? Sorry people...I'm a very calm person but I needed to vent. I decided not to patch my game anymore