More Awesome Than You!

Awesomeware => AwesomeMod! => Topic started by: earthshoes on 2009 August 15, 15:35:12

Title: crashes and conflicts
Post by: earthshoes on 2009 August 15, 15:35:12
I'm having a problem and would like to know if it's a conflict between mods before I go in search of other answers.  I'm patched all the way up to 1.4; my Awesome Mod was downloaded yesterday, and have deleted caches, etc.  Sometimes I play for a couple of hours and shut it down without a problem. Other times I play for fifteen minutes or more and it suddenly crashes to the desktop without warning. This is really enough to dampen one's enthusiasm for the game.

Yesterday I noted that someone here listed mods that were supposed to work with Awesome Mod. Unfortunately I didn't bother to note which thread it was, what page, or even what day. Could someone please point me in that direction or tell me if anything in the following list is suspect.

awesomized teen woohoo + tfb
chaavik children can read skillbooks
gain instant skills . . .
indieStone mod (not core)
perform guitar

many thanks,


Title: Re: crashes and conflicts
Post by: Gary on 2009 August 15, 22:59:50
This might help

Title: Re: crashes and conflicts
Post by: earthshoes on 2009 August 16, 01:37:20
Thanks Gary. Unfortunately this program kicks out errors when I attempt to use it. I suspect it's an incompatibility issue with respect to net framework and Windows 7.  I'll keep searching.

Minutes later--

Wait, wait. wait. I forgot to set administrator rights. It's working now. It's not showing any legitimate conflicts. 

Sigh . . .

Title: Re: crashes and conflicts
Post by: Tever on 2009 August 16, 01:53:23
Did you try uninstall/reinstall? Sometimes crashes can be caused by something not installing properly. Otherwise, just go through your mods one by one. I had a life fruit mod that was working fine one minute. Downloaded a new version of Awesomemod, and suddenly it was conflict city. Couldn't even start playing because it crashed on loading. IS Mod Checker was still reading no conflicts, but the second I took out that life fruit mod, everything went back to normal.

Title: Re: crashes and conflicts
Post by: StukThrtl on 2009 August 16, 02:11:12
workhardx10 Definitely causes crashes on my pc. Try removing that one and let us know how it works.

Title: Re: crashes and conflicts
Post by: mistyk on 2009 August 16, 02:16:58
That conflict checker may need to be updated, it says all of my files conflict with themselves.

Quote from: Delphy (on MTS)
This program only appears to check the Instance ID of a ResourceKey to see if it conflicts, which is going to cause major problems on packages that have multiple ResourceKeys that use the same Instance ID (as in the case of hair, and, in fact, a lot of the game files, as well as Store items).

I would seriously suggest that it be updated to check the Type and Group IDs as well as Instance, because otherwise, the report has a lot of false positives and people, as can be seen from the comments, can get very confused.

So it may not be the best thing to use it to check for conflicts.

Title: Re: crashes and conflicts
Post by: PrinJess on 2009 August 16, 02:28:05
The JobDiffcultyScaling in AM's config can be increased so it can make jobs more difficult if, in the end, the workx10 is the cause of your crashes.

Title: Re: crashes and conflicts
Post by: Motoki on 2009 August 16, 06:26:54
That conflict checker may need to be updated, it says all of my files conflict with themselves.

Quote from: Delphy (on MTS)
This program only appears to check the Instance ID of a ResourceKey to see if it conflicts, which is going to cause major problems on packages that have multiple ResourceKeys that use the same Instance ID (as in the case of hair, and, in fact, a lot of the game files, as well as Store items).

I would seriously suggest that it be updated to check the Type and Group IDs as well as Instance, because otherwise, the report has a lot of false positives and people, as can be seen from the comments, can get very confused.

So it may not be the best thing to use it to check for conflicts.

It is still okay for mods, you just have to ignore what it says for everything else.

Title: Re: crashes and conflicts
Post by: earthshoes on 2009 August 19, 15:52:46
workhardx10 Definitely causes crashes on my pc. Try removing that one and let us know how it works.

Thank you.   Removing this mod apparently fixed the problem.