More Awesome Than You!

Awesomeware => AwesomeMod! => Topic started by: jaok on 2009 August 14, 08:23:34

Title: Awesome Mod crash.
Post by: jaok on 2009 August 14, 08:23:34
I am running on windows xp professional have the latest patch (1.4) , with awesome mod installed the game is forever loading and the only way to exit is with Crtl+Alt+Delete


I have tried using no cc just awesome mod and still nothing, works fine without awesome mod. I have it installed on a seperate harddrive to everything else if that would cause the crash? 

Thanks In advance

Title: Re: Awesome Mod crash.
Post by: Greyform on 2009 August 14, 08:35:28
First of all, this is a very common problem that is rehashed several times all over the forum.

With that out of the way, here's the answer:
You installed it wrong.

You most likely didn't but the d3dx9_31.dll file in the game\bin folder. Either that, or something else is wrong with your install.
Use this: ( to make sure you install the framework right. That is, if you're on a PC. If you're on a mac, I know there's a tutorial around here somewhere.

Also, once it does get installed correctly, expect it to crash to desktop at least once during loading. This is quite normal. All you have to do is keep trying to load it. It will load eventually.

Title: Re: Awesome Mod crash.
Post by: coconnor on 2009 August 14, 08:48:43
I think this is the "Old Car Syndrome" CTD as described on the same page as AwesomeMod.  See suggestions there and also in my post earlier tonight, here:,16098.msg472881.html#msg472881 (,16098.msg472881.html#msg472881)

Title: Re: Awesome Mod crash.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 August 14, 08:52:10
No, this is definitely Framework Fail.

Title: Re: Awesome Mod crash.
Post by: jaok on 2009 August 14, 09:24:03
Thankyou  ;D working fine now. couldn't cope without awesome mod and indie