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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: IndustrialCat on 2009 August 12, 01:43:44

Title: Patch 1.3 disabled options in my game - is there a solution?
Post by: IndustrialCat on 2009 August 12, 01:43:44
I patched my game to 1.3, and before this I had my graphic settings to middle-max, but after I patched and entered CAS, the sims' faces were all blurry.So I tried to access "Options..." to change the graphic settings, and the window with the options opened and closed quickly, or better, it BLINKED. I had to uninstall everything, install again and this time I patched just to 1.27.

So I ask, is there a solution for this? Or, instead of making the Options window appear again, is there a way to change the graphic settings by editing a game file? Or is there a mod to make the "fast speed" of the game faster? Because it's pretty much the only thing that I really need to correct.

Title: Re: Patch 1.3 disabled options in my game - is there a solution?
Post by: Mire Krisma on 2009 August 12, 02:31:15
It's called Patch 1.4 for a reason. Get it.

Title: Re: Patch 1.3 disabled options in my game - is there a solution?
Post by: Dragon Slave on 2009 August 12, 04:52:47
Speed modifier here:
You could try editing the Options.ini file in \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 as it has the in game settings recorded to it, but I've never changed it this way and couldn't tell you if it works.   
Or you could try going on up to 1.4.  According to the change long, it only fixes a problem with uninstalling that occurred in 1.3, but you might as well get the latest anyway.  Your problem may have been caused by something else entirely. 

Title: Re: Patch 1.3 disabled options in my game - is there a solution?
Post by: RaeKira on 2009 August 13, 04:40:19
The same thing happened to me, and I also couldn't enter build or buy mode. I found out that it was because I had installed an old crack. I fixed it by reinstalling without using the crack. Awesomemod contains a crack so if you're using AM you don't need another one.

Title: Re: Patch 1.3 disabled options in my game - is there a solution?
Post by: IndustrialCat on 2009 August 13, 21:22:07
Ah, thanks. As I hadn't seen anyone with the same problem, I thought it was a random thing.

Title: Re: Patch 1.3 disabled options in my game - is there a solution?
Post by: edalbformat on 2009 August 14, 12:01:49
I don't believe your problem has anything to do with patches. I had the same problem first time I installed TS3 and long before any patch.
For a reason that I cannot remember I uninstalled the game (maybe in one of my acute assholit attacks). Installed again and graphics became better. It seems to be a random bad install.
Graphics became acceptable after I upgraded my graphic cards to GT 9500/512MB VRAM. Now it is as perfect as EA's incompetence allows.