More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: LynnMar on 2005 November 23, 19:44:17

Title: who or what is MATY?
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 November 23, 19:44:17
I keep seeing you people talk about MATY but I don't know what that means.   I was going to post this in retarded land because I am probably the only person who does not know what it means.   ;D

but after looking over there in retard land I didn't think that was the right place to ask a question, everyone was calling each other stupid and such.   Or maybe they were just clowning around  ???

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 23, 19:45:02
More Awesome Than You.  ;)

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: TaWanda on 2005 November 24, 02:23:12
mostly clowning, some trolling, good for laughs either way (RL not maty)

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 November 25, 19:24:09
duh,  I feel really stupid  and totally embarressed now.   :-[

I just didn't put it togeather.   I tell you all ,  I am getting senile in my old age or else all the drugs and acid that I took in the 70's and 80's  are finally catching up with me.    ;D

thanks for not laughing at me.   :-*

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Twain on 2005 November 25, 22:15:05
hahahahah...oh thanked us for NOT laughing...damn...sorry.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: kewian on 2005 November 25, 22:26:56
well...what do you expect from a ferret impersonator?? ;D  *runs*

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 25, 23:13:12
LOL @ twain and Kewian...

It's okay, you are not the first one to wonder about MATY...  I've seen the question on other boards (which is how I found this place).

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 25, 23:20:51
Heheh, I was one of the first ones to use the phrase over on VS in regards to JM's director's cut, the MATY package, because I didn't feel like typing all the time.  I am just tickled at how it's caught on, but of course everyone makes acronyms out of everything online anyway.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Christianlov on 2005 November 26, 02:42:24
ahahahahahahah... I can't believe it... ahahahaha...

Btw, guys, what is 'b/c'?????

I just want to know what it means cause people here often use it and I have no clue on it.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 26, 03:01:15
b/c = because.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: LK on 2005 November 26, 03:44:17
And with rainbow's post, VS=VariousSimmers.  And MIA=Missing in Action.  And ASAP=As Soon As Possible.  Any more acronyms you guys need cracked?

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 26, 03:56:57
Here is a very useful site:

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Christianlov on 2005 November 26, 04:31:58
b/c = because.

Haha. Thanks.  ;D

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 26, 04:49:35
I use IIRC = If I Recall Correctly a lot... that one throws people sometimes.

MYL = Made You Laugh, is my favorite, cuz I have no sense of humor (so I've been told) so don't make people laugh too often :)

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 26, 04:50:33
I use IIRC = If I Recall Correctly a lot... that one throws people sometimes.

MYL = Made You Laugh, is my favorite, cuz I have no sense of humor (so I've been told) so don't make people laugh too often :)

It took me a few seconds, but IIRC, I recognize.  I never would have gotten MYL.  :D

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 26, 06:10:23
Me, my most frequently used acronyms tend to be along the lines of FUBAR and AWOL.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 26, 06:12:14
I love FUBAR.  :D

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: JadeEliott on 2005 November 26, 06:14:05

that one got me a few times, I thought it was a fancy way of saying Away From Keyboard.

Anyone know what it means? Pop quiz.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 26, 06:15:26
I love FUBAR.  :D
So do I.  I used it once here though, and someone didn't know what it meant, so I had the pleasure of explaining it to her. :) 

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 26, 06:16:53
Although I notice a new popular acronym here is "BFBVFS".

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 26, 06:20:35

that one got me a few times, I thought it was a fancy way of saying Away From Keyboard.

Anyone know what it means? Pop quiz.

As Far As I Know.  ;)

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 26, 06:21:40
AFAIK, BFBVFS is pretty MATY limited.

The fancy way of saying AFK is BRB which we always translated BathRoom Break and around here should be something like PB or PIMPB or POMK or something...

So, military connections JM?

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 26, 06:23:03
So, military connections JM?
Gee, how'd you guess?

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 26, 06:23:35
Perhaps it was the mining stories.


Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 26, 06:30:11
I'm bright like that.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: JadeEliott on 2005 November 26, 06:36:34
Alright, AFAIK was too easy, AFAIK.

I think we need to come up with some very hard ones to guess.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 26, 06:40:45
Not only am I bright like that, but nothing gets by me.

It's SOP for my MOS.

points for MOS then.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 26, 06:42:24
Standard Operating Procedure for my Military Occupational Specialty?

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 26, 07:32:06
it's too easy for people to look this stuff up on the web now, and you have no way of knowing.

BTW, I'm pretty sure the BFBVFS originated at H*R, although the acronym didn't, the phrase did.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Ness on 2005 November 26, 07:39:31
I've always taken BRB to mean be right back

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 26, 07:45:49
I've always taken BRB to mean be right back
Me too, but some people I've talked to said they thought it meant bathroom break, and one guy told me when he first got online, he thought people were being rude and burping all the time!

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 26, 07:52:11
LOL!  I guess I always knew it was be right back as well.  Although, there was a couple I didn't know, like ROFLMAO.  I had no idea what that one was.  :P

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 26, 09:20:19
Although, there was a couple I didn't know, like ROFLMAO.  I had no idea what that one was. 

At least you didn't ask your husband what Rowfmalow meant.
Not that I did. either... :-X

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 26, 09:29:53
Although, there was a couple I didn't know, like ROFLMAO.  I had no idea what that one was. 
At least you didn't ask your husband what Rowfmalow meant.
Not that I did. either... :-X
Um, yeah. :)

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 26, 13:30:13
Yup BlueSoup. I think BRB does mean Be Right Back, but the idea is if you're gonna be right back, it's generally cuz you need a bathroom break - noone leaves the computer for much of anything else.

I always hate to get stuck asking what they mean. I'd rather spend forever trying to figure it out - sooner or later someone says or something. A friend and I would make them up to stump each other. There were rules. It had to be some sort of phrase we used, not just any made-up string of letters, but we'd end up signing off with long long ridiculous strings of letters. Was fun.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 26, 13:37:01
I always hate to get stuck asking what they mean. I'd rather spend forever trying to figure it out - sooner or later someone says or something. A friend and I would make them up to stump each other. There were rules. It had to be some sort of phrase we used, not just any made-up string of letters, but we'd end up signing off with long long ridiculous strings of letters. Was fun.

In my last job, my boss handed me a memo and at the bottom, there was this long sting of letters.  I can't remember exactly what they were, but I managed to figure out what he was talking about, although he had me stumped for a few minutes when he used "C" instead of "S" for "see."  :P

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 26, 13:46:05
<laugh> sounds like a pretty cool boss? also sounds like a games magazine game - those are fun. You know?


like that? or 2BON2B like that, really.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 26, 13:48:46
Yeah, he was an awesome boss, I miss him a lot.  Since I was living in this small town, and didn't know many people or have any family there, he would also invite me to his house for holidays.

3=bm...not sure what that means?

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: vector on 2005 November 26, 13:49:09
but the idea is if you're gonna be right back, it's generally cuz you need a bathroom break - noone leaves the computer for much of anything else.

*moans in horror*

Oh, you savage Americans. Next you'll be telling us you don't even drink tea.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 26, 13:58:53
The idea is that you think of things that are associated with the number 3 until you find the one that starts with the letters BM. I guess it really should be written like this:

3 = B M (S H T R)

24 = H in a D

That one might be easier to give you the idea :)

Me, I drink so much coffee I might as well be piping it in intravenously. Tea is fine for a break now and then, but it's not coffee.

PS: Added something more that might help. I wish I had a boss like that :) And all that coffee explains why I need so many BRBs ;)

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 November 26, 15:59:21
well, I am a little better than when I first got a computer a few years ago.   I didn't even know what lol or rofl meant.  My college daughter made me download the aol messenger thing and she started typing so fast and using that lol and all that stuff and I said  "now listen, honey, you are going to have to slow down and quit using them codes because I can't keep up with you nor do I know what you are even talking about."     ;D

well, she just about cracked up laughing.  She is always laughing at me and saying "oh, mother"

then she made me hook up some kind of headphone jacks to my computer and she was talking to me from her house and typing too and I said  "I've had it, I am going to bed.  Leave me alone.  She thought that was funny too.    ::)

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 26, 16:06:27
I was really late to the Internet as well.  I didn't even get a computer until last November, and even then my only requirements for the salesman was that it had a CD burner, DVD drive, flat screen monitor and a printer, for $1000 tax in.

Well I got that and for awhile it worked great.  But then I discovered TS1 and within about 2 months, I had every single EP and I was getting bored.

Then I read about the Legacy Challenge on the TS2 site in March, and bought the game and started hanging out on the BBS. I was an Internet virgin, lol. And the BBS broke my cherry!  :o

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 26, 16:13:03
AFAIK, BFBVFS is pretty MATY limited.

Not anymore, I run into it all over the place now. I even saw it on the official board (I had to blink, I thought my eyes had gone hay-wire)

Anyway, this all is a bit of a relief, at least I'm not the only one who has problems with the initialism. Try it on boards where the language used is not your native's a whole other ball-game :D

Thank's Rainbow, site bookmarked.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 November 26, 16:23:42
Yeah, thanks Rainbow. Bookmarked the site as I'm pretty much virgo intacta re this acronym stuff. Much to my daughters' vast amusement. But then they just like confusing the wretched old hag.  ::)

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 26, 19:20:56
Yup BlueSoup. I think BRB does mean Be Right Back, but the idea is if you're gonna be right back, it's generally cuz you need a bathroom break - noone leaves the computer for much of anything else.
Either that or have to get up to reheat the leftovers.

You all are doing much better than my mom.  She likes playing computer games and getting on the internet, but she doesn't play sims anymore because they are too time-consuming.  She has never played Sims 2.  Her computer couldn't handle it anyway.  She gets the left over parts when we upgrade, and she is happy with that.  I think that it would be too much for her to deal with all the bugs and I'd be stuck having to fix her game as well as mine. :P  So it's probably just as well.  She gives me enough grief accusing me of being addicted to the sims.   :o

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: magic cookie on 2005 November 26, 20:53:28
I knew some guy who used FANTA but he's the only one I ever heard it from, I don't think it's really used.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 November 26, 21:10:51
What does BFBVFS mean anyway? I never quite caught on to it, though I did think it had something to do w/ major game screwups?

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 26, 21:16:49
BFBVFS = Big Fiery Ball Visible From Space.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: LK on 2005 December 01, 03:08:20
Then, of course, there's the one I came up with:

(laughing my head off while simultaneously banging my fists on the desk and spraying Cheez-Its all over the moniter)

But I think it's pretty self-contained.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Sagana on 2005 December 01, 03:42:05
But I think it's pretty self-contained.

lol. I should hope. Please contain the cheez-it spray to that side of the monitor ;)

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Andygal on 2005 December 01, 14:58:50
Wait, "Fubar" is an acronym ???!

What does it mean

Fucked Up Beyond All Reason?

Fucked Up Beyond All Repair?

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: kewian on 2005 December 01, 15:04:17
I believe this is a Hookism:  fucked up beyon all recognition.. ;D

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 01, 15:15:32
I believe this is a Hookism:  fucked up beyon all recognition.. ;D

It's not quite a Hook-ism....but it does mean Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.  I learned it in the Reserves, hehe.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Baddmark on 2005 December 01, 15:59:47
FUBAR fits quite nicely with another military acronym (on this side of the pond, anyway).


Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: kewian on 2005 December 01, 16:08:07
Thats right are correct . He did mention it was a military acronym.  I personally prefer mind   FAD... fuck a duck!

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: reggikko on 2005 December 01, 16:11:49
I love SNAFU. That has to be my favorite acronym.  ;D

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 01, 16:13:30
Hmmm....ok, I give.  Someone tell me what SNAFU means.  :-[

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 01, 16:33:30
Hmmm....ok, I give.  Someone tell me what SNAFU means.  :-[

Situation normal: all fucked up

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: Zoltan on 2005 December 01, 17:59:34
Hmmm....ok, I give.  Someone tell me what SNAFU means.  :-[

Situation normal: all fucked up

sounds like the BBS   :D

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 December 01, 18:16:05
I love FUBAR.  :D
So do I.  I used it once here though, and someone didn't know what it meant, so I had the pleasure of explaining it to her. :) 

Rainbow, I will give you the pleasure of explaining what FUBAR and AWOL means since I have no idea eventhough I have been here for the last few months... (I was always ashamed to ask...)

EDIT:  OOps I read further and learned already what FUBAR means, but still no clue on AWOL

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 01, 18:18:47
Rainbow, I will give you the pleasure of explaining what FUBAR and AWOL means since I have no idea eventhough I have been here for the last few months... (I was always ashamed to ask...)

FUBAR = F*cked Up Beyond All Recognition

AWOL = Absent Without Leave.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 December 01, 18:22:31
Thanks Bluesoup, that was fast.  :D

My mother's tongue is French so a lot of time those abbreviations are a bit hard for me to translate.  But from now on, I will push my pride on the side and just ask damnit!  :o

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 December 01, 20:41:02
Umm, yeah, what Bluesoup said.  Darn, she beat me too it, LOL.

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 01, 20:44:40
Well...considering she asked the question like two and a half hours ago, Rainbow, I'm not surprised.  :P

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 December 01, 20:55:03
Hey, no problem, Blue, just kidding.  As long as the question got answered, that's the important thing.  :)

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 01, 21:04:27
Oh, I know you were kidding, Rainbow. I was just giving you a hard time.   ;)

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 December 01, 21:07:50
Yeah, I thought you probably were... :) 

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: LK on 2005 December 02, 00:44:45
And then there's DINK (Double Income, No Kids), as in, "Hey, honey don't DINK around with the gardener!"

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: resmc on 2005 December 02, 03:07:47
I am somewhat clueless when it comes to IM/aol acronyms, so this thread is very enlightening.

LK, what does "D.I" stand for ?(Feel free to make me sound/look ridiculously stupid)

Title: Re: who or what is MATY?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 December 02, 03:51:08
DI = Daily Idiot.