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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Zoni on 2009 August 08, 18:20:24

Title: My Sim Babies Hate Life.
Post by: Zoni on 2009 August 08, 18:20:24
Alright, I've got a weird problem. No matter how dilligent I am with caring for my sims babies, or how well taken care of they are or how high their motives are when they age up... I ALWAYS get a "Due to a difficult up bringing, you will not be allowed to select a trait for _________."

Similar things happen with my kids and teens, even if they have A+ grades at school and maxed motives. Has anyone else had this happen or know what might be causing it or a possible fix? It's not terribly major, I guess, but it is very annoying.

Title: Re: My Sim Babies Hate Life.
Post by: aspinL on 2009 August 09, 00:27:44
I've never had it happen but I just wanted to make sure you know that you can use boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true in the crtl-shift-c menu and right-click the sim to modify their traits, which also means you can choose all five traits to add.
And when the kids age up it probably also takes into account if their aspiration bar is high or red...

Title: Re: My Sim Babies Hate Life.
Post by: nicqui on 2009 August 09, 05:01:55
This might sound a little obvious, but are you teaching your toddlers to walk/talk/use the toilet? In my experience, if I do two of those and not the third, I won't get to pick the trait.

I assume you're talking about toddlers since there is no chance to pick a trait when an infant ages up.

No explanation for your kid/teen problem, though.

Title: Re: My Sim Babies Hate Life.
Post by: Zoni on 2009 August 09, 15:39:54
I've been using the add trait to correct the problem, but it's still annoying. And yep, I teach them all three. o.o; It's baffling.

Title: Re: My Sim Babies Hate Life.
Post by: edalbformat on 2009 August 09, 18:40:14
Do you have your lot locked (or protected or whatever it is named)? I mean your Sims can move out when you are not playing them or they have a house with their family name in it?
Most of the problems I'm getting in my game are coincidently in lots that are not allowed to carroussel (or musical I don't know) move around.
In one of the locked families one member stopped aging (only one). I accepted him as a new Peter Pan. Every locked house present a different problem.
It seems that this move around is to hide a serious problem - some hours playing and the houses get screwed up.  For "story mode" meaning (?)

Title: Re: My Sim Babies Hate Life.
Post by: aspinL on 2009 August 10, 01:21:15
Do you have your lot locked (or protected or whatever it is named)? I mean your Sims can move out when you are not playing them or they have a house with their family name in it?
Most of the problems I'm getting in my game are coincidently in lots that are not allowed to carroussel (or musical I don't know) move around.
In one of the locked families one member stopped aging (only one). I accepted him as a new Peter Pan. Every locked house present a different problem.
It seems that this move around is to hide a serious problem - some hours playing and the houses get screwed up.  For "story mode" meaning (?)
I believe you're refering to the ingenious option which is included in the Awesome mod from pescado. Which if you have Awesome mod you name the lot the same as the family name and the sims are tethered their humble little abode, if you have story mode enabled that is. Of course if your also saying that your "locked" houses begin to screw up after hours of playing with story mode on the simple fix would be to turn story mode off if it bothers you. However with story mode off the unlocked houses don't progress or move or have larvae. Which putting those statements together would basicaly be saying, yes, it's a serious problem with tethering families.
I do not have Awesome mod and there fore have never run into the problem and haven't recently seen any new topics about it. You could always start one in the Awesome mod group  (don't know specific location but you have eyes and fingers too).

Title: Re: My Sim Babies Hate Life.
Post by: edalbformat on 2009 August 10, 08:50:34
It seems to me that houses have sort a buffer (like a printer) that clogs after a while. It also seems to be the main reason for the nomade families. I made a test with a house that was fully screwed (the Goths) that has the name Goth Manor, so it is family property. This was in the game before Awesome. The Goths move out when the house is fully screwed.
Moving them back just place the problem back to the origin. Before deciding to demolish the house, I tried something else. I created a new character, gave her a lot of motherlode checks so that she could buy that same house. It seems that everytime you place a different family in a house, everything is reset. So, it unclogs the buffer automatically.