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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: skandelouslala on 2005 November 23, 15:35:44

Title: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 November 23, 15:35:44
I've been noticing lately that during  dates my sims will roll up the fear of "fall out of love" with so and so.
This wouldn't be odd..if the sims in question were actually in love with each other.
For that reason it puzzles me a bit. Not a big deal..but I just want to know why heh
It always seems to happen with good chemistry sims (at least 2  bolts) who have already hit the crush (pink heart) stage.

The only thing I can think of is, that since their chemistry opens up those interactions that are normally reserved for "in love"..that perhaps the game goes ahead and flags them in some way as in love so the interactions can take place even though the fell in love memory doesn't come up until you hit at least 70 lifetime.

And why I'm here pondering strange fears...I've come across what appears to be an want that can't be fulfilled as well.  A lot of my dippy fortune sims like to roll up those buy a totally expensive game (which is of course a bowling alley) that won't fit in your stupid house anyways want.  Usually it is the buy game that's at least 5k or whatever it is want..but occassionally there is a want for a game that cost at least 3k something.  I've looked several times to see if I'm missing something and as far as I can tell..there is no game that costs around that amount.  There's the pool table...and the next up seems to be the bowling alley.  So yeah.  Maybe it's like that buy foutain want that was a certain amount that came with Uni that couldn't be fulfilled either.

Anyways...those are my ponderings...feel free to ponder with me.   :P

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: gali on 2005 November 23, 16:00:41
About "falling out of love with x" - I think it's like the fear to break up.

I saw it at Daniel Pleasant's fears  panel. When I looked at his relationships - he was in love with Kaliyin (100/100), and with Mary-Sue - married, with 75/45, without the love sign. As Mary-Sue was at the community lot too, I selected him, and order him to dance and flirt with her, until I got again the love sign.

The next time I saw him, his main wishes were about Mary-Sue, in spite he wanted to woohoo with Kaylynn  (poor sim, had no choise, as a romance sim, lol),  and the fear of falling out of love dissapeared.

To me it was a sign, that Daniel didn't want to break up with Mary-Sue (they are Virgo and Gemini - great fit), and just wanted to return their love back. I think most of the players do the mistake to divorce them, and marry him to Kaylynn, who is Aquarius, and they don't fit at all.

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: ari_ on 2005 November 23, 16:47:43
I think most of the players do the mistake to divorce them, and marry him to Kaylynn, who is Aquarius, and they don't fit at all.

It's only a mistake if you only play happy couples.

Personally, I'm very happy I only have 1 3-bolts pair in the current generation of my neighborhood. I see 3bolts as that special kind of love that only few people manage.

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 23, 16:47:57
About "falling out of love with x" - I think it's like the fear to break up.

I saw it at Daniel Pleasant's fears  panel. When I looked at his relationships - he was in love with Kaliyin (100/100), and with Mary-Sue - married, with 75/45, without the love sign. As Mary-Sue was at the community lot too, I selected him, and order him to dance and flirt with her, until I got again the love sign.

The next time I saw him, his main wishes were about Mary-Sue, in spite he wanted to woohoo with Kaylynn  (poor sim, had no choise, as a romance sim, lol),  and the fear of falling out of love dissapeared.

To me it was a sign, that Daniel didn't want to break up with Mary-Sue (they are Virgo and Gemini - great fit), and just wanted to return their love back. I think most of the players do the mistake to divorce them, and marry him to Kaylynn, who is Aquarius, and they don't fit at all.

in my custom hood Daniel has been cloned from Pleasantview with his family and had his aspiration changed to Knowledge. He is totally a different sim in attitude.
  Romance ironically doesnt really fit his personality.I changed Mary Sue to family and they are a great matchup.she is bestfriends with both her daughters as is Daniel.

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: knitro on 2005 November 23, 20:29:30
I was so proud of my previous matchings....I used to kinda let the sims pick their mate a little, i introduced them and then let things go and saw what happened...anyway..two of my matching were 3 bolts after i got NL, without tweaking the turn ons much...maybe just a little, I was proud of myself.!
Not that this has much to do withthe pondering but anyway....

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: buddha pest on 2005 November 23, 21:13:21
I've been noticing lately that during  dates my sims will roll up the fear of "fall out of love" with so and so.
This wouldn't be odd..if the sims in question were actually in love with each other.
On a semi-related note, I've always wondered why they're forever rolling up fears of falling out of love with some sim who's been dead for ages.

Can it even happen?

I swear I remember long, long ago having a sim get caught cheating by a ghost. But only once. And I've never seen anyone else mention anything like that, so I could have been hallucinating again, I guess.

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: Jorenne on 2005 November 23, 21:25:03
About the "unfulfillable" want, call me stupid, but surely if it's a want for something at least 3K then any game over 3k (including bowling alley) will fill the want.  It doesn't have to be around the same price as stated in the want, just as long as it's more than the stated amount.

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 23, 21:32:25

I swear I remember long, long ago having a sim get caught cheating by a ghost. But only once. And I've never seen anyone else mention anything like that, so I could have been hallucinating again, I guess.

Unless we were both having the same hallucinations, I had that happen too, back with the base game over a year ago, and it hasn't happened since.

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 23, 21:52:53

I swear I remember long, long ago having a sim get caught cheating by a ghost. But only once. And I've never seen anyone else mention anything like that, so I could have been hallucinating again, I guess.

Unless we were both having the same hallucinations, I had that happen too, back with the base game over a year ago, and it hasn't happened since.
then all three of us must have been hallucinating since right after I got the base game in 2004 My sim was caught cheating by a ghost. hasnt occurred since though.

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: gali on 2005 November 23, 22:05:51
...How romantic - "the hallucinatic trio"...:).

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 23, 22:06:45
then all three of us must have been hallucinating since right after I got the base game in 2004 My sim was caught cheating by a ghost. hasnt occurred since though.

Must have been quite a party. What was in that koolaid, anyway?

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 23, 22:29:39
then all three of us must have been hallucinating since right after I got the base game in 2004 My sim was caught cheating by a ghost. hasnt occurred since though.

Must have been quite a party. What was in that koolaid, anyway?
not sure I coulda sworn you were the one who spiked it ;D

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: buddha pest on 2005 November 24, 01:22:31
Didn't it used to be though, in the base game, there was a bug where sims couldn't remarry after their spouse died because they were still considered married? Maybe that's why it doesn't happen anymore.  I can't remember if it was fixed in an expansion or a patch or not at all and we're still using a fixer mod or what.

Then again, if they're still rolling up fears of falling out of love with dead sims then I'd guess the ghosts must still be in love with them married or not and would still consider it cheating, so...I'm confused.

I'll just go drink some more kool-aid. It was probably that Purplesaurus Rex stuff.

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 November 24, 04:24:44
About the "unfulfillable" want, call me stupid, but surely if it's a want for something at least 3K then any game over 3k (including bowling alley) will fill the want.  It doesn't have to be around the same price as stated in the want, just as long as it's more than the stated amount.

Yeah it does fulfill the I guess it's not unable to be fulfilled like I stated.  But they almost always roll up the 5k game want along with it.   

Makes me think though that maybe Maxis left out an object and forgot to do away with the want..since the numbers are so specific and all.

I just wish the want for the expensive game would go away...I am not having bowling alleys in the houses of all my fortune sims  :-[

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: Liss on 2005 November 24, 04:38:45

I'll just go drink some more kool-aid. It was probably that Purplesaurus Rex stuff.

OMG! Do they even sell that anymore? I can't find it.  Or my favorite ever Kool-Aid flavor, Pink Swimmingo.

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: buddha pest on 2005 November 24, 05:38:31
I don't think so. There was Sharkleberry Fin and all that stuff. I remember.

I think they're more back to the old standards cherry, tropical punch and such. Then every once in awhile they'll throw in some kind of magical changes-color thing.

I just like any kind that's red or pink.

Title: Re: Just a sim "fear" pondering
Post by: Liss on 2005 November 24, 05:50:54
I don't think so. There was Sharkleberry Fin and all that stuff. I remember.

I think they're more back to the old standards cherry, tropical punch and such. Then every once in awhile they'll throw in some kind of magical changes-color thing.

I just like any kind that's red or pink.

OOOOOOOOOHhhh I didn't mean the purplesaurus one I meant the Sharkleberry Fin one.  That and swimmingo were my all-time faves!