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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: aspinL on 2009 August 03, 00:15:08

Title: Sims 3 Hates my Skin Choices?!
Post by: aspinL on 2009 August 03, 00:15:08
I downloaded the Aikea Guinea Male Full Body Barbie Skin replacement, and I already know where to put it (root sims3/mods/packages), I also have the Installer Monkey installed.
But my problem is it's not showing. I had a skin on before for the male, papercat's, and I deleted the file and deleted the CAS caches, which I beleive there's three cache files that people say you have to delete for it to show but so far the papercat skin is still on there! I've tried mulitple times to delete them and restart the game or/and redownload the Aikea skin and restart the game but everytime the papercat skin is still there!

ANY? Ideas, I'm really getting impatient with it...  >:(

Title: Re: Sims 3 Hates my Skin Choices?!
Post by: asmadasrabbits on 2009 August 03, 00:36:38
Does it show up in CAS? If not, then you're doing something wrong. If it is, then are you certain you deleted simCompositorCache.package?

Title: Re: Sims 3 Hates my Skin Choices?!
Post by: aspinL on 2009 August 03, 00:52:27
I just restarted the game and went into CAS and it's still there. I know because of the papercat face has major freckles on the nose and the guy had major freckles on his nose.
I've deleted simCompositorCache multiple times. Now is that the only file I should delete? Because I was also deleting CAS Part Cache and Compositor Cache.

Title: Re: Sims 3 Hates my Skin Choices?!
Post by: Krisan Thyme on 2009 August 03, 02:25:07
If you've uninstalled the original skins you were using, and deleted the compositor caches.. the new skin should show up in CAS. If this isn't the case, you might want to double check that you properly uninstalled the original skin. Also, as far as the skins not showing up ingame correctly goes.. Try deleting the files under the "WorldCaches" folder. For some odd reason the game actually caches the skin textures on a Sim by Sim basis for each neighborhood.. As a result, old Sims would still show-up with the old skin you had installed, while only the new Sims you created in CAS or the freshly spawned Townies would have the new skin you installed. Deleting these cache files should force everyone to use the new skin, though.

Title: Re: Sims 3 Hates my Skin Choices?!
Post by: aspinL on 2009 August 04, 03:14:43
Well allright thanks so much for your help, it finally showed up :) I pretty much tried what you said and after a while it finally showed *falls out of chair from exhaustion*
For me I'm not really liking the new coding setup for TS3, it seems to be a lot of game coding (which others have said slows down finding mods). Not to mention you get one skin tone and the installing and uninstalling of cc is kind of sticky. But I'm not going back to TS2, I'd feel too left out. :/